Full name
: Kong Hee
: 23 August
Accepted Christ
: 1975
Raffles Institution: 1977-1980
Raffles Junior College: 1981-1982
Graduated from National University of Singapore,Bachelor of Science (Computer & Information Sciences):1985-1988
Theological Qualifications:
New Covenant International Theological Seminary (USA):Master of Divinity: 1989-1991
New Covenant International Theological Seminary (USA):Doctor of Theology: 1993-1995
Bethany Christian Centre (Singapore): 6 Jan 1991
City Harvest Church: 1989
City Harvest Bible Training Center: 1994
Harvest Times (quarterly magazine): 1999
City Harvest Education Centre: 2002
O' School: 2006
Co-Founded with Rev. George Ong:
Harvest School of Ministry: 2001
Malaysian Harvest Christian Fellowship: 2003
President, City Harvest Church, Singapore: Since 1992
Chairman, Festival of Praise, Singapore: 1997-2001, 2005-now
President, Word of Life, Singapore: Since 1997
Board of Reference, Transform World, Indonesia: Since 2005
Committee Member, National Council of Churches, Singapore: 1999-2004
Board of Advisor, Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International, Singapore: 1996-2000
Kong Hee
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Kong Hee (born August 23, 1964) is the founder, honorary and volunteer senior pastor of City Harvest Church in Singapore. Kong is a Christian leader based in the Charismatic Movement, with a philosophy of ministry that emphasizes the Great Commandment, Great Commission, and Cultural Mandate[1] . Under his leadership, City Harvest Church has grown to more than 23,000 members and has jointly developed 40 churches and 10 Bible schools in Asia [2] [3] [4] [5]. Kong has also co-founded an education center, a performing arts school, a publishing house, a missions agency, a ministerial fellowship and a magazine [6]. Kong is also a motivational speaker and runs a retail business.[7]
Kong Hee’s wife, Sun Ho, is a pop music singer, who currently resides in the United States. They have a son, Dayan Kong.
Kong is the fifth child of Kong Leng, a professional engineer, and Toh Poh-Eng, a diamond trader. He graduated with the Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the National University of Singapore in 1988, the Master of Divinity in 1991, and the Doctor of Theology in 1995.
From 1975 to 1988, Kong was a member of Marine Parade Christian Center, an Anglican church located in eastern Singapore. During his university years, he worked part-time for the Chapel of the Resurrection under the oversight of Anglican vicar, Reverend Dr. Canon James Wong. During that tenure, he helped Canon Wong set up a new congregation, Orchard Christian Centre. Upon graduation from the university, Kong worked a short stint in a local publishing house as a programmer.
In 1989, Kong was a staff evangelist with “Christ For Asia,” a missions organization in the Philippines led by Assemblies of God minister, Reverend Randy Sing. At that same time, there was an opportunity for Kong to pioneer a new church in Singapore. With the support and encouragement of some senior pastors in the city, Kong decided to relocate back to Singapore and helped set up a new congregation with 20 youths. On May 7, 1989, City Harvest Church was founded as a department (known as "Ekklesia Ministry") of Bethany Christian Centre (Assemblies of God). [8]
Kong often travels to assist churches in Asia, Europe and Australia. He specializes in leadership and staff development, church growth and organization, and contemporary worship and creativity. His weekly 30-minute television program “Harvest Times” is broadcasted by 13 satellite television networks to 140 countries[9].
Since 1997, Kong is the executive director of the Festival of Praise, an annual event that brings together more than 100 churches for united prayer and worship.
Kong is a board member of Dr. David Yonggi Cho’s Church Growth International (South Korea) and Dr. Luis Bush’s Transform World (Indonesia).
Educational Qualifications
Raffles Institution (1977-1980)
Raffles Junior College (1981-1982)
National University of Singapore, Bachelor of Science (Computer & Information Sciences) (1985-1988)
Theological Qualifications
New Covenant International Theological Seminary (USA): Master of Divinity (1989-1991)
New Covenant International Theological Seminary (USA): Doctor of Theology (1993-1995)
Title Ordination
Bethany Christian Centre (Singapore): January 6, 1991
City Harvest Church (1989)
City Harvest Bible Training Center (1994)
Harvest Times (quarterly magazine) (1999)
City Harvest Education Centre (2002)
O School (2006)
Harvest School of Ministry (2001)
Malaysian Harvest Christian Fellowship (2003)
Positions held
President, City Harvest Church (Singapore): 1992-Present
Executive Director, Festival of Praise (Singapore): 1997-2001, 2005-Present
President, Word of Life (Singapore): 1997-Present
Board of Directors, Church Growth International (South Korea): 2007-Present
Board of References, Transform World (Indonesia): 2005-Present
Committee Member, National Council of Churches (Singapore): 1999-2004
Vice President, City Harvest Community Services Association (Singapore): 1997-2007
Board of Advisors, Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International (Singapore): 1996-2000
Board of Advisors, The Living Faith Church (Singapore) : 2001-Present
Kong Hee's Biography. City Harvest Church. Retrieved on May 29, 2007.
^ Kong Hee's Profile. City Harvest Church. Retrieved on June 5, 2007.
^ Why Isn't the American church growing?. Charisma Magazine. Retrieved on May 29, 2007.
^ Speakers. City City Church. Retrieved on June 29, 2007.
^ Kong Hee's Profile. City Harvest Church. Retrieved on June 5, 2007.
^ History Of The Church. City Harvest Church. Retrieved on June 5, 2007.
^ Kong Hee's Biography. City Harvest Church. Retrieved on June 5, 2007.
^ Kong Hee's Profile. City Harvest Church. Retrieved on June 5, 2007.
^ "Every Member is a Minister' at Singapore Megachurch", Church & Ministry, 2004-02-10.
^ Harvest Time. City Harvest Church. Retrieved on June 06, 2007.
Ministries Today Magazine (December 2003).
External links
City Harvest Church official site
City Harvest Bible Training Centre
City Harvest Community Services Association
City Harvest Education Centre
Attributes Christian Bookstore
Kong Hee's Biography
Other Related Kong Hee's Sites
Kong hee is a cult leader, who preaches the blasphemous prosperity gospel. He supports benny hinn, one of the biggest frauds in christianity. Megachurches are commercialised religions and out of line with God's word.
Beware... know your scriptures... the Bible warns of false teachers... whether he is one or otherwise know your Bible and pray for God's wisdom and discerning powers... judge a preacher and match their teachings against that laid down by our Lord... leadership by example ... do not believe what you hear or read... need to be discerning... here what he preach and practise ?
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