Kotbah di Bukit

Kotbah di Bukit

Kotbah di Bukit adalah kotbah Yesus yang paling terkenal yang tercatat di dalam Injil Matius (pasal 5-7).
Isi kotbah
Ucapan bahagia (Matius 5:1-12)
Perumpamaan garam dunia dan terang dunia (Matius 5:13-16)
Orang Kristen harus menjadi garam yang memberi rasa dan terang yang menyinari dunia
Yesus dan hukum Taurat (Matius 5:17-48)
Yesus datang untuk menggenapi hukum Taurat; siapa yang marah kepada saudaranya harus dihukum; berdamailah dengan lawanmu; siapa yang memandang perempuan serta menginginkannya sudah berzinah; siapa yang menceraikan isterinya kecuali karena zinah menjadikan isterinya berzinah; jangan bersumpah demi apapun; jangan melawan orang yang berbuat jahat kepadamu; kasihilah musuhmu dan berdoalah bagi mereka yang menganiaya kamu; dan ajaran-ajaran lainnya
Hal memberi sedekah (Matius 6:1-4)
Jangan memberi sedekah seperti orang munafik (supaya dipuji), "Tetapi jika engkau memberi sedekah, janganlah diketahui tangan kirimu apa yang diperbuat tangan kananmu." (6:3)
Hal berdoa (Matius 6:5-15)
Jangan berdoa seperti orang munafik (supaya dilihat orang) ataupun bertele-tele (banyak kata-katanya supaya dikabulkan), "Tetapi jika engkau berdoa, masuklah ke dalam kamarmu, tutuplah pintu dan berdoalah kepada Bapamu yang ada di tempat tersembunyi. Maka Bapamu yang melihat yang tersembunyi akan membalasnya kepadamu." (6:6)
Doa Bapa Kami (6:9-13)
Jika kamu mengampuni kesalahan orang, Bapamu yang di sorga akan mengampuni kamu juga. Tetapi jikalau kamu tidak mengampuni kesalahan orang, Bapamu juga tidak akan mengampuni kesalahanmu.
Hal berpuasa (Matius 6:16-18)
Jangan berpuasa seperti orang munafik (dengan muka muram, supaya orang melihat mereka sedang berpuasa), "Tetapi apabila engkau berpuasa, minyakilah kepalamu dan cucilah mukamu, supaya jangan dilihat oleh orang bahwa engkau sedang berpuasa, melainkan hanya oleh Bapamu yang ada di tempat tersembunyi. Maka Bapamu yang melihat yang tersembunyi akan membalasnya kepadamu." (6:17-18)
Hal mengumpulkan harta (Matius 6:19-24)
Jangan mengumpulkan harta di bumi, "Tetapi kumpulkanlah bagimu harta di sorga. ... Karena di mana hartamu berada, di situ juga hatimu berada." (6:20-21)
Orang tidak dapat mengabdi kepada Allah dan kepada Mamon (dewa kekayaan - yang dilambangkan dengan cinta akan uang)
Hal kekuatiran (Matius 6:25-34)
Jangan kuatir akan hidupmu, makanan atau minuman atau pakaian, karena hidup itu lebih penting dari pada semuanya, "Tetapi carilah dahulu Kerajaan Allah dan kebenarannya, maka semuanya itu akan ditambahkan kepadamu" (6:33)
Hal menghakimi (Matius 7:1-5)
Jangan kamu menghakimi, supaya kamu tidak dihakimi.
Hal yang kudus dan berharga (Matius 7:6)
Jangan memberikan barang yang kudus kepada anjing dan jangan melmparkan mutiaramu kepada bagi, supaya jangan diinjak-injak, lalu ia berbalik mengoyak kamu.
Hal pengabulan doa (Matius 7:7-11)
"Mintalah, maka akan diberikan kepadamu; carilah, maka kamu akan mendapat; ketoklah, maka pintu akan dibukakan bagimu." (7:7)
Jalan yang benar (Matius 7:12-14)
"Segala sesuatu yang kamu kehendaki supaya orang perbuat kepadamu, perbuatlah demikian juga kepada mereka. Itulah isi seluruh hukum Taurat dan kitab para nabi." (7:12)[1]
Hal pengajaran yang sesat (Matius 7:15-23)
Waspadalah terhadap nabi-nabi palsu; dari buahnyalah kamu akan mengenal mereka.
Dua macam dasar (Matius 7:24-27)
Kesan pendengar (Matius 7:28-29)
"Dan setelah Yesus mengakhiri perkataan ini, takjublah orang banyak itu mendengar pengajaranNya, sebab Ia mengajar mereka sebagai orang yang berkuasa, tidak seperti ahil-ahli Taurat mereka."

Garis waktu lengkap Yesus

Dari Wikipedia Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas berbahasa Indonesia.

Yesus lahir di Bethlehem, dalam masa pemerintahan Kaisar Augustus. Saat itu, Maria telah bertunangan dengan Yusuf, seorang tukang kayu (Mat. 1:1; Lukas 3:23; bandingkan Yoh. 7:42). KelahiranNya pertama kali disampaikan langsung oleh para malaikat kepada para gembala (Lukas 2:8-20). Orang Majus dari timur datang ke Betlehem untuk melihat dan menyembah Dia yang telah lahir sebagai "Raja orang Yahudi" dengan membawa hadiah (Mat. 2:1-12). Dalam mimpinya, Yusuf diberitahukan oleh malaikat untuk pergi ke Mesir bersama dengan Maria dan bayi Yesus guna menghindari amukan Herodes yang jahat dan cemburu. Di sana mereka menunggu sampai Herodes mati (Mat. 2:13-23). Dan benarlah yang disampaikan oleh malaikat itu, ketika mereka berada di Mesir, Herodes membantai semua bayi laki-laki orang Israel di Betlehem.

Saat mereka kembali, mereka tinggal di Nazareth , di wilayah Galilea (2:23; bandingkan Lukas 4:16; Yoh. 1:46, dst.). Pada umur duabelas tahun Ia pergi ke Yerusalem menghadap Pemimpin Hari Raya bersama dengan orang tuaNya. Disana, di Bait Allah, "ditengah-tengah alim ulama" semua yang mendengar Dia "tercengang dengan hikmat dan jawaban-jawabanNya" (Lukas 2:41, dst.).

Delapan belas tahun yang tidak diketahui, kecuali pada saat Ia kembali ke Nazareth dan "dan bertambah-tambah hikmat melebihi orang lain", dan "dikasihi Tuhan dan manusia" (Lukas 2:52). Sangat mungkin dia bekerja sebagai tukang kayu seperti halnya Yusuf.

Dia memulai pelayanan ketika dia berumur kira-kira tiga puluh tahun. Seperti yang kita percaya bahwa pelayananNya berlangsung selama tiga tahun. Tiap tahunnya mempunyai kejadian tersendiri.

Daftar isi [sembunyikan]
1 Kronologi kehidupan Yesus menurut Alkitab
2 Kelahiran hingga awal mula pelayanan
2.1 Pelayanan selama 3,5 tahun
3 Minggu terakhir sebelum penyaliban
4 Pasca Kebangkitan Yesus

Kronologi kehidupan Yesus menurut Alkitab
Artikel utama untuk bagian ini adalah: Kronologi kehidupan Yesus

Kelahiran hingga awal mula pelayanan
Lahir di Bethlehem
Dikunjungi gembala domba di Bethlehem
Dibawa ke Bait Allah di Yerusalem dan disunat
Dikunjungi oleh orang Majus di Bethlehem
Sekeluarga lari ke Mesir
Kembali ke Nazaret
Mengunjungi ke Bait Allah di Yerusalem, umur 12 tahun
Dibaptis di sungai Yordan oleh Yohanes Pembaptis, usia sekitar 30 tahun
Dicobai oleh Iblis di padang gurun
Melakukan mujizat pertama, yaitu mengubah air menjadi anggur di pesta perkawinan di Kana
Menyucikan Bait Allah (mengusir para pedagang dan penukar uang)
Percakapan antara Yesus dengan Nikodemus
Percakapan antara Yesus dengan perempuan Samaria
Menyembuhkan anak seorang pegawai istana
Ditolak warga kampung halaman sendiri (Nazaret)
Empat orang nelayan menjadi murid Yesus (Simon Petrus, Andreas, Yohanes, Yakobus)
Menyembuhkan ibu mertua Petrus
Perjalanan pertama, memberitakan firman di daerah Galilea
Keputusan Matius menjadi murid Yesus
Yesus memilih keduabelas muridNya

Pelayanan selama 3,5 tahun

Yesus dan perempuan yang berzinah. Karya Rembrandt 1644Yesus menyampaikan kotbah di bukit
Yesus diurapi dengan minyak wangi oleh seorang perempuan berdosa
Yesus melakukan perjalanan lagi di daerah Galilea
Yesus memberitakan beberapa perumpamaan mengenai kerajaan sorga
Yesus meredakan badai
Yesus membangkitkan anak perempuan Yairus yang mati
Yesus mengutus keduabelas murid untuk memberitakan kerajaan Allah dan menyembuhkan orang yang sakit
Yohanes Pembaptis dibunuh oleh Herodes
Yesus memberi makan kepada 5 ribu orang
Yesus berjalan di atas air
Yesus pergi ke kota Tirus dan Sidon
Yesus memberi makan kepada 4 ribu orang
Petrus mengakui Yesus sebagai Anak Allah
Yesus menjelaskan kepada murid-murid mengenai kematianNya yang akan datang
Yesus dimuliakan di gunung
Yesus membayar bea di Bait Allah
Yesus hadir pada hari raya Pondok Daun
Yesus dan perempuan yang berzinah
Yesus menyembuhkan orang yang buta sejak lahir
Yesus mengunjungi Maria dan Martha
Yesus membangkitkan Lazarus yang mati
Yesus memulai perjalanan akhir menuju Yerusalem
Yesus memberkati anak-anak kecil
Yesus bicara kepada orang muda yang kaya
Yesus kembali meramalkan kematian dan kebangkitan-Nya
Yesus menyembuhkan Bartimeus yang buta
Yesus bicara kepada Zakheus
Yesus kembali ke Betania, mengunjungi Maria dan Martha

Minggu terakhir sebelum penyaliban

Yesus diturunkan dari salib. Karya Rembrandt 1633Yesus memasuki Yerusalem dalam suasana meriah
Yesus mengutuk pohon kurma
Yesus kembali menyucikan Bait Allah
Orang Farisi menanyakan dari mana Yesus peroleh kuasa
Yesus mengajar di Bait Allah
Yesus diurapi dengan minyak wangi
Orang Farisi mulai menyusun rencana penangkapan Yesus
Yesus mengadakan Perjamuan Paskah
Yudas Iskariot mengkhianati Yesus
Yesus menasihati dan menghibur murid-murid-Nya
Yesus di Taman Getsemani
Yesus ditangkap dan dibawa menghadap pada Makhamah Agama
Petrus menyangkal Yesus tiga kali
Yesus dibawak menghadap Pontius Pilatus kemudian Herodes
Yesus disalibkan dan kematian Yesus
Yesus dikubur

Pasca Kebangkitan Yesus
Kuburan Yesus ditemukan dalam keadaan kosong
Maria Magdalena melihat Yesus di kebun
Yesus menampakkan diri kepada dua murid dalam perjalanan ke Emaus
Yesus menampakkan diri kepada 10 murid
Yesus menampakkan diri kepada 11 murid seminggu sesudah itu
Yesus bicara lagi dengan beberapa murid-Nya seminggu kemudian
Kenaikan Yesus ke sorga
Diperoleh dari "http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garis_waktu_lengkap_Yesus"


Kronologi kehidupan Yesus

Ada dua sudut pandang, yaitu sudut pandang menurut Alkitab yang paling sering digunakan dan sudut pandang Titianus, seorang sejarawan Yunani, yang jarang digunakan.

Daftar isi [sembunyikan]
1 Sudut pandang Alkitab
1.1 Kelahiran Hingga Mulai Pelayanan
1.2 Pelayanan Selama 3,5 Tahun
1.3 Minggu Terakhir Sebelum Penyaliban
1.4 Pasca Kebangkitan Yesus

Sudut pandang Alkitab

Kelahiran Hingga Mulai Pelayanan
Lahir di Bethlehem: Mat 1:18-25; Luk 2:1-7
Dikunjungi gembala domba di Bethlehem: Luk 2:8-20
Dibawa ke Bait Allah di Yerusalem: Luk 2:21-40
Dikunjungi oleh Tiga Majus di Bethlehem: Mat 2:1-12
Sekeluarga lari ke Mesir: Mat 2:13-18
Kembali ke Nazaret: Mat 2:19-23
Mengunjungi ke Bait Allah di Yerusalem, umur 12 tahun: Luk 2:41-52
Dibaptis di sungai Yordan: Mat 3:13-17; Mk 1:9-11; Luk 2:31-23; Yoh 1:29-30
Dicobai oleh Iblis di padang gurun: Mat 4:1-11; Mk 1:12-13; Luk 4:1-13
Melakukan Mujizat pertama, yaitu di Kana: Yoh 2:1-11
Menyucikan Bait Allah (mengusir para pedagang dan penukar uang): Yoh 2:14-22
Percakapan antara Yesus dengan Nikodemus: Yoh 3:1-21
Percakapan antara Yesus dengan perempuan Samaria: Yoh 4:5-42
Menyembuhkan anak seorang pegawai istana: Yoh 4:46-54
Ditolak warga kampung halaman sendiri: Luk 4:16-31
Empat orang nelayan menjadi murid Yesus: Mat 4:18-22; Mk 1:16-20; Luk 5:1-11
Menyembuhkan ibu mertua Petrus: Mat 8:14-17; Mk 1:29-34; Luk 4:38-41
Perjalanan pertama, memberitakan Firman di daerah Galilea: Mat 4:23-25; Mk 1:35-39; Luk 4:42-44
Keputusan Matius menjadi murid Yesus: Mat 9:9-13; Mk 2:13-17; Luk 5:27-32
Yesus memilih ke-12 murid-Nya: Mk 3:13-19; Luk 6:12-15

Pelayanan Selama 3,5 Tahun

Yesus dan perempuan yang berzinah. Karya Rembrandt 1644Yesus menyampaikan Khotbah di Bukit: Mat 5:1-7:29; Luk 6:20-49
Yesus diurapi dengan minyak wangi oleh seorang perempuan berdosa: Luk 7:36-50
Yesus melakukan perjalanan lagi di daerah Galilea: Luk 8:1-3
Yesus memberitakan beberapa perumpamaan mengenai kerajaan sorga: Mat 13:1-52; Mk 4:1-34; Luk 8:4-18
Yesus meredakan badai: Mat 8:23-27; Mk 4:35-41; Luk 8:22-25
Yesus membangkitkan anak perempuan Yairus yang mati: Mat 9:18-26; Mk 5:21-43; Luk 8:40-56
Yesus mengutus ke-12 murid untuk memberitakan kerajaan Allah dan menyembuhkan orang yang sakit: Mat 9:35-11:1; Mk 6:6-13; Luk 9:1-6
Yohanes Pembaptis (Yahya) dibunuh oleh Herodes: Mat 14:1-12; Mk 6:14-29; Luk 9:7-9
Yesus memberi makan kepada 5 ribu orang: Mat 14:13-21; Mk 6:30-44; Luk 9:10-17; Yoh 6:1-14
Yesus berjalan di atas air: Mat 14:22-33; Mk 6:45-52; Yoh 6:61-21
Yesus pergi ke kota Tire dan Sidon: Mat 15:21-28; Mk 7:24-30
Yesus memberi makan kepada 4 ribu orang: Mat 15:32-39; Mk 8:1-9
Petrus mengakui Yesus sebagai Anak Allah: Mat 16:13-30; Mk 8:27-30; Luk 9:19-21
Yesus menjelaskan kepada murid-murid mengenai kematian-Nya yang akan datang: Mat 16:21-26; Mk 8:31-37; Luk 9:22-25
Yesus dimuliakan di gunung: Mat 17:1-13; Mk 9:2-13; Luk 9:28-36
Yesus membayar bea di Bait Allah: Mat 17:24-27
Yesus hadir pada hari raya Pondok Daun: Yoh 7:11-52
Yesus dan perempuan yang berzinah: Yoh 8:2-11
Yesus menyembuhkan orang yang buta sejak lahir, Yoh 9:1-41
Yesus mengunjungi Maria dan Martha: Luk 10:38-42
Yesus membangkitkan Lazarus yang mati: Yoh 11:1-44
Yesus memulai perjalanan akhir menuju Yerusalem: Luk 17:11
Yesus memberkati anak-anak kecil: Mat 19:13-15; Mk 10:13-16; Luk 18:15-17
Yesus bicara kepada orang muda yang kaya: Mat 19:16-30; Mk 10:17-30; Luk 18:18-30
Yesus kembali meramalkan kematian dan kebangkitan-Nya: Mat 20:17-19; Mk 10:32-34; Luk 18:31-34
Yesus menyembuhkan Bartimeus yang buta: Mat 20:29-34; Mk 10:46-52; Luk 18:35-43
Yesus bicara kepada Zakheus: Luk 19:1-10
Yesus kembali ke Betania, mengunjungi Maria dan Martha: Yoh 11:55-12:1

[sunting] Minggu Terakhir Sebelum Penyaliban

Yesus diturunkan dari salib. Karya Rembrandt 1633Yesus memasuki Yerusalem dalam suasana meriah: Mat 21:1-11; Mk 11:1-10; Luk 19:29-44; Yoh 12:12-19
Yesus mengutuk pohon kurma: Mat 21:18-19; Mk 11:12-14
Yesus kembali menyucikan Bait Allah: Mat 21:12-13; Mk 11:15-18
Orang Farisi menanyakan dari mana Yesus peroleh kuasa: Mat 21:23-27; Mk 11:27-33; Luk 20:1-8
Yesus mengajar di Bait Allah: Mat 21:28-23:39; Mk 12:1-44; Luk 20:9-21:4
Yesus diurapi dengan minyak wangi: Mat 26:6-13; Mk 14:3-9; Yoh12:2-11
Orang Farisi mulai menyusun rencana penangkapan Yesus: Mat 26:14-16; Mk 14:10-11; Luk 22:3-6
Yesus mengadakan Perjamuan Paskah: Mat 26:17-29; Mk 14:12-25; Luk 22:7-20; Yoh 13:1-38
Yudas Iskariot mengkhianati Yesus
Yesus menasihati dan menghibur murid-murid-Nya: Yoh 14:1-16:33
Yesus di Taman Getsemani: Mat 26:36-46; Mk 14:32-42; Luk 22:40-46
Yesus ditangkap dan dibawa menghadap pada Makhamah Agama: Mat 26:47-27:26; Mk 14:43-15:15; Luk 22:47-23:25; Yoh 18:2-19:16
Petrus menyangkal Yesus tiga kali
Yesus dibawak menghadap Pontius Pilatus kemudian Herodes
Yesus disalibkan dan kematian Yesus: Mat 27:27:56; Mk 15:16-41; Luk 23:26-49; Yoh 19:17-30
Yesus dikubur: Mat 27:57-66; Mk 15:42-47; Luk 23:50-66; Yoh 29:31-42

[sunting] Pasca Kebangkitan Yesus
Kuburan Yesus ditemukan dalam keadaan kosong: Mat 28:1-10; Mk 16:1-8; Luk 24:1-12; Yoh 20:1-10
Maria Magdalena melihat Yesus di kebun: Mk 16:9-11; Yoh 2:11-18
Yesus menampakkan diri kepada dua murid dalam perjalanan luar kota: Mk 16:12-13
Yesus menampakkan diri kepada 10 murid: Mk 16:14; Luk 24:35-43; Yoh 20:19-25
Yesus menampakkan diri kepada 11 murid seminggu sesudah itu: Yoh 20:26-31
Yesus bicara lagi dengan beberapa murid-Nya seminggu kemudian: Yoh 21:1-25
Kenaikan Yesus ke sorga: Mat 28:16-20; Mk 16:19-20; Luk 24:44-53

Names of God

Names of God
Abba, Father
Abhir (Hebrew)
Adam, Last (or Second) (Eschatos Adam) (1 Cor. 15:45)
Adonai (Hebrew)
Advocate with the Father (Jesus Christ)
'Akal 'Esh (Hebrew) (“Consuming Fire”) (Deut. 4:24)
Akrogoniaios akrogoniaios lithos (Greek) (“Chief Cornerstone”) (Eph. 2:20; 1 Pet. 2:6)
Almighty God (Gen. 17:1; Ezek. 10:5; Rev 19:15)
Alpha and Omega (“The First and the Last,” “The Beginning and The End”) (Rev. 1:8, 11, 21:16, 22:13)
All Sufficient
Almighty (2 Cor. 6:18, Revelation 19:6)
Alpha and Omega
Ancient of Days
Anointed One, The
Apostle and High Priest of our profession (Jesus Christ) (Heb 3:1)
Attiq Yomin (Aramaic) (Daniel 7:9, 13, 22)
Author and finisher of our faith (Jesus Christ)
Author of eternal salvation (Jesus Christ) (Heb. 5:9)
Author of peace
Avi (Hebrew) (“Father”) (Psalm 68:5; Mal. 2)
Avi-’ad (Hebrew) (“Everlasting Father,” “Eternal Father”) (Isaiah 9:6)
Avinu (Hebrew) (“Our Father”) (Isaiah 63:16)
Avir Ya’akov (Hebrew) (“Mighty One of Jacob”) (Isa. 60:16)
A shelter for me
A son over his own house (Jesus Christ) [the Church is Christ's house]
A Star out of Jacob (Jesus Christ)
A stone of stumbling [to the unbeliever] (Jesus Christ)
A strength to the needy in his distress
A strength to the poor
A strong LORD
A strong tower from the enemy
A sun and shield
A sure foundation
A tried stone
A very present help in trouble
A witness to us (Holy Spirit)
Bara' (Hebrew) (“Creator” - Isa 40:28)
Bara' Yisra'el (Hebrew) (“Creator of Israel”) (Isaiah 43:15)
Beginning of the creation of God (Jesus Christ)
Blessed and only Potentate
Branch (Zec. 6:12, 3:8, etc.)
Bread of Life (John 6:26-35) (Jesus Christ)
Bread of God (Jesus Christ)
Bridegroom (Matt. 25:1)
Bright and morning star
Buckler to all those that trust in him
Buckler to them that walk uprightly
Captain of their salvation (Jesus Christ)
Chief Apostle
Chief Cornerstone (akrogoniaios akrogoniaios lithos) (Eph. 2:20; 1 Pet. 2:6)
Christ Jesus
Christ in you, the hope of glory
Christ the King of Israel
Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God
Confidence of all the ends of the earth
Consolation of Israel (Jesus Christ)
Consuming Fire
'akal 'esh - Deut. 4:24
katanalisko pur - Heb. 12:29
Cornerstone (Isa. 28:16; Eph. 2:20; 1 Pet. 2:6)
Counselor (Isaiah 9:6)
Covenant of the people (Jesus Christ)
Creator (Isa. 40:28; John 1:3; Rom. 1:25)
Creator of Israel (bara' yisra'el) (Isaiah 43:15)
Creator of the ends of the earth
Dayspring from on high (Jesus Christ)
Desire of All Nations (Jesus Christ)
Despotes (Greek) (“Master” - Luke 2:29; Acts 4:24; 2 Pet. 2:1; Jude 4; Rev. 6:10)
Door of the sheep
Dunastes (Greek) (“Potentate” - 1 Tim. 6:15)
Dwelling Place (Ma’on or Ma'own - Psalm 90:1)
'El (Hebrew)
Elah (Hebrew)
Elayuth (Hebrew)
El Berith (Hebrew)
El Elyon (Hebrew)
El Gibhor (Hebrew) (Isaiah 9:6)
'Eloah (Hebrew)
'Elohiym or Elohim (Hebrew) (Gen. 1:1; Exo. 3:1, etc.)
El Olam (Hebrew)
El Roi (Hebrew)
El Shaddai (Hebrew)
'Elyown 'Elyown 'Elohiym (Hebrew) (“The Most High God”) (Gen. 14:18-20, 22; Psa. 78:56)
Esh okhlah (Hebrew) (“Consuming Fire”) (Deut. 4:24)
‘Even Yisrael (“Stone of Israel”) (Genesis 49:24)
Everlasting Father (or Eternal Father) (Isaiah 9:6)
Everlasting God
'Owlam 'El - Gen. 21:33
'Owlam 'Elohiym - Isa 40:28
Aionios Theos - Rom. 16:26
Everlasting King
Faithful and True
Faithful Creator
Faithful witness
Father of glory
Father of lights
Father of mercies
Father of the fatherless (Psa. 68:5)
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
Father of spirits
Father to Israel (Jer. 31:9)
The First and the Last (Isa. 44:6, 48:12)
First-begotten of the dead (Jesus Christ)
First Born
Firstborn among many brethren (Jesus Christ)
Firstborn of every creature (Jesus Christ)
Former of all things
Fountain of Living Waters
Gaol (Hebrew)
Glorious LORD (Isa. 33:21)
Glory of their strength
Glory of thy people Israel
God Almighty
God alone
God and Father of all
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
God full of compassion (Psa. 86:15)
God most high (Psa. 57:2; Luke 8:28)
Godhead (Acts 17:29; Col. 2:9; Rom. 1:20)
God my maker
God of Abraham
God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob
God of all comfort
God of all flesh
God of all grace
God of all the families of Israel
God of the Covenant
God of your fathers (Exo. 3:13, 15; etc.)
God of glory
God of gods
God of heaven
God of heaven and earth
God of hope
God of Israel
God of Jacob
God of Jeshurun (Hebrew meaning “upright”—refers to Israel)
God of knowledge
God of love and peace
God of my life
God of my mercy
God of my praise
God of my righteousness
God of my rock
God of our salvation
God of patience and consolation
God of peace
God of the armies of Israel
God of the living
God of the spirits of all flesh
God of the whole earth
God of thy fathers
God of truth and without iniquity
God only wise
God our Rock (Deu. 32:4)
God our Savior
God our shield
God ready to pardon
God that answereth by fire
God, that cannot lie (see: truth)
God, that comforteth those that are cast down
God that doest wonders
God that formed thee
God, that giveth to all men liberally
God that judgeth in the earth
God that made the world and all things therein
God that performeth all things for me
God that showeth mercy
God, the Father
God the Judge of all
God the LORD
God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ
God, which doeth great things and unsearchable; marvelous things without number
God which fed me all my life long unto this day
God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ
God, which hath not turned away my prayer
God which raiseth the dead
God, which trieth our hearts
Good Shepherd
God's servant (Jesus Christ)
God's righteous servant (Jesus Christ)
Governor among the nations
Gracious and merciful God
Great High Priest (Heb. 4:14)
Great King above all gods
Great King over all the earth
Great shepherd of the sheep (Jesus Christ)
Guide of my youth
Habitation of justice
Hakadosh (Hebrew)
Hamelekh Hagoel (“The Redeeming Angel”) (Genesis 48:16)
Head of the Body (Col. 1:18) (Jesus Christ)
Head of the body, the church (Jesus Christ)
Health of my countenance
Heir of all things (Jesus Christ)
Helper of the fatherless
He in whom I trust
He that abideth of old
He that built all things
He that by wisdom made the heavens
He that called you into the grace of Christ
He that calleth you
He that cometh from above (Jesus Christ)
He that cometh from heaven (Jesus Christ)
He that cometh in the name of the Lord (Jesus Christ)
He that comforteth you
He that createth the wind
He that declareth unto man what is his thought
He that doth speak
He that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself
He that filleth all in all
He that formed thee from the womb
He that formeth the mountains
He that giveth breath unto the people
He that giveth strength and power unto his people
He that hath called us to glory and virtue
He that hath mercy on them
He that hath the key of David (Jesus Christ)
He that hath the seven Spirits of God
He that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand
He that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think
He that is able to keep you from falling
He that is able to present you faultless before the presence of his glory
He that is from the beginning
He that is higher than the highest
He that is holy
He that is mighty
He that is of power to stablish you
He that is true
He that judgeth me
He that judgeth righteously
He that keepeth Israel
He that keepeth thee
He that keepeth thy soul
He that liveth and was dead (Jesus Christ)
He that liveth for ever and ever
He that loved us
He that maketh the morning darkness
He that maketh the seven stars and Orion
He that made great lights
He that ministereth to you the Spirit
He that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth
He that ought to be feared
He that pondereth the heart
He that raised up Jesus from the dead
He that revealeth secrets
He that rideth upon the heavens of heavens
He that sanctifieth
He that searcheth the hearts
He that seeth me
He that shall come (Jesus Christ)
He that shall have dominion (Jesus Christ)
He that sitteth in the heavens
He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth
He that sitteth upon the throne
He that smote Egypt in their firstborn
He that spared not his own Son (the Father)
He that speaketh from heaven
He that strengtheneth the spoiled against the strong
He that stretched out the earth above the waters
He that took me out of the womb
He that treadeth upon the high places of the earth
He that turneth the shadow of death into the morning
He that washed us from our sins (Jesus Christ)
He that worketh miracles among you
He which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost (Jesus Christ)
He which divided the Red Sea into parts
He which giveth life unto the world
He which hath anointed us
He which hath the sharp sword with two edges
He which is, and which was, and which is to come
He which is perfect in knowledge
He which led his people through the wilderness
He which searcheth the reins and hearts
He which smote great kings
He which stablisheth us with you in Christ
He which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead (Jesus Christ)
He who alone doeth great wonders
He who hath builded the house (Jesus Christ)
He who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light
He who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire
He who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
He who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will
He whom God hath sent (Jesus Christ)
He with whom we have to do
Highest (Matt. 21:9)
High Priest (Heb. 6:20, 7:26, 8:1, 9:11) (Jesus Christ)
High priest of good things to come (Heb. 9:11) (Jesus Christ)
High priest over the house of God (Heb. 10:21) (Jesus Christ)
High priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek (Jesus Christ)
His Anointed (Jesus Christ)
His dear Son (Jesus Christ)
His Son from heaven (Jesus Christ)
His Spirit that dwelleth in you
His unspeakable gift (Jesus Christ)
Holy God (Josh. 24:19)
Holy One (Job 6:10; Psa. 16:10)
Holy One of Israel (2 Ki. 19:22; Psa. 71:22, 78:41, etc.)
Holy Ghost (Matt. 1:18, etc.)
Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13, etc.)
Holy Spirit of promise
Hope of Israel (Jesus Christ)
Hope of Israel, the Savior thereof in time of trouble
Horn of my salvation
House of defense
Hupsistos (Greek) (“Highest”) (Matt. 21:9)
Hupsistos Hupsistos Theos (Greek) (“The Most High God”) (Mark 5:7; Acts 16:17; Heb. 7:1)
I Am (John 8:58; Exo. 3:14)
I AM THAT I AM (Exo. 3:14)
I am a father to Israel
I am a great King
I am alive for evermore (Jesus Christ)
I am Alpha and Omega (Jesus Christ)
I am for you
I am from above (Jesus Christ)
I am God
I am God Almighty
I am gracious
I am he
I am he that comforteth you
I am he that doth speak
I am he that liveth, and was dead (Jesus Christ)
I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts (Jesus Christ)
I am holy
I am in the midst of Israel
I am married unto you
I am meek and lowly in heart (Jesus Christ)
I am merciful
I am the Almighty God
I am the bread of life (Jesus Christ)
I am the door (Jesus Christ)
I am the door of the sheep (Jesus Christ)
I am the first and the last
I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob
I am the God of thy fathers
I am the good shepherd (Jesus Christ)
I am the light of the world (Jesus Christ)
I am the living bread (Jesus Christ)
I am the LORD
I am the LORD, and there is none else
I am the Lord GOD
I am the LORD in the midst of the earth
I am the LORD that doth sanctify you
I am the LORD that healeth thee
I am the LORD that maketh all things
I am the LORD that smiteth
I am the LORD, the God of all flesh
I am the LORD thy God
I am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt
I am the LORD thy God that divideth the sea
I am the LORD thy God which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go
I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit
I am the LORD which exercise loving-kindness, judgment, and righteousness
I am the LORD which hallow you
I am the LORD, your Holy One
I am the resurrection, and the life (Jesus Christ)
I am the root and offspring of David (Jesus Christ)
I am the Son of God (Jesus Christ)
I am the vine (Jesus Christ)
I am the way, the truth, and the life (Jesus Christ)
I am their inheritance (speaking of the priests)
I am thy exceeding great reward
I am thy part and thine inheritance (said to the Levites)
I am thy salvation
I am thy Savior
I am thy shield
I am with thee
I am with thee to deliver thee
I am with thee to save thee
I am with you alway (Jesus Christ)
'Illay 'Illay 'Elahh (“The Most High God”) (Dan. 5:18, 21)
Image of the invisible God (Jesus Christ)
Immanuel (Hebrew) (“God with us”) (Isaiah 7:14) (Jesus Christ)
I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save
Jealous (Qanna' - Exo. 34:14)
Jealous God (Qanna' 'El - Exo. 20:5; Deu. 4:24, etc.)
Jehiah-M'Kaddesh (Hebrew)
Jehovah (Hebrew: YHWH)
Jehovah 'Elohiym or Elohim (Hebrew) (Gen. 3:23, etc.)
Jehovah-Jireh (Hebrew)
Jehovah-Mekoddishkem (Hebrew) (“The Lord Who Sanctifies You”)
Jehovah-M'Kaddesh (Hebrew)
Jehovah-Nissi (Hebrew)
Jehovah-Ra'ah (Hebrew) (“The Lord is my Shepherd” - Psa. 23:1)
Jehovah-Rapha (Hebrew) (“The Lord that Healeth”)
Jehovah-Rohi (Hebrew)
Jehovah-Rophe (Hebrew)
Jehovah-Sabaoth (Hebrew)
Jehovah-Shalom (Hebrew)
Jehovah-Shammah (Hebrew) (“The Lord is There”)
Jehovah-Tsidkenu (Hebrew) (“The Lord our Righteousness”)
Je-Hoshua (“Jehovah is Salvation”)
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ our Lord
Jesus Christ the righteous
Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus the mediator of the new covenant
Jesus, thou Son of God most high
Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come
Joshua (Hebrew) (“Jehovah is Salvation”)
Judge of all the earth
Judge of quick and dead (Jesus Christ)
Judge of the widows (Psa. 68:5)
A just God and a Saviour (Isa. 45:21)
Just One (Isaiah 26:7; Acts 7:52; 22:14)
Kadosh (Hebrew)
Kanna (Hebrew)
Katanalisko Pur (Greek) (“Consuming Fire” - Heb. 12:29)
King forever and ever
King of all the earth
King of Glory, The (Psalm 24:7-10)
King of heaven
King of Israel (2 Samuel 24:23; Psalm 98:6; Isaiah 6:5; Jeremiah 46:18; 48:15; 51:57)
King of Kings (1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 17:14, 19:16)
King of Nations
King of saints
King of the Jews (Jesus Christ)
Ktizo (Greek) (“Creator” - Rom. 1:25)
Kokhav miya’akov (Star from Jacob) (Num. 24:17)
Kurios (Greek) (“Lord”, “Master” - Eph. 6:9; Col. 4:1)
Kurios Theos Pantokrator (Greek) (“Lord God Almighty” - Rev. 4:8, 11:17, 15:3, 16:7, 21:22)
Lamb of God (Jesus Christ)
Lamb Slain Before the Foundation of the World (Rev. 13:8)
Last (or Second) Adam (eschatos adam) (1 Cor. 15:45)
Life, The
Light of Israel (Isaiah 10:17; Psalm 27:1)
Light of the Gentiles (Jesus Christ)
Light of the Nations (‘Or Goyim) (Isaiah 42:6)
Light of the world (John 8:12, 9:5)
Light to lighten the Gentiles (a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles) (Luke 2:32)
Lion of the tribe of Judah (Jesus Christ)
Living stone (1 Pet. 2:4)
Logos (Greek) (“The Word,” “The Word of God”) (John 1:1; Rev. 19:13)
Lord also of the sabbath
Lord and Christ
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
LORD God (Yehovah 'Elohiym - Gen, 2:4, 3:23, etc.)
Lord God Almighty (kurios theos pantokrator - Rev. 4:8, 11:17, 15:3, 16:7, 21:22)
LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel
LORD God of Gods (Yehovah 'El 'Elohiym Yehovah - Joshua 22:22)
LORD God of Israel
LORD God of my salvation
LORD God of our fathers
LORD God of recompense
LORD God of the Hebrews
Lord God of the holy prophets
LORD God of truth
Lord of Hosts (yehovah tsaba' / Jehovah Sabaoth—appears 245 times in the Old Testament, including: 1 Sam. 1:3, 4:4; 1 Chr. 11:9; Psa. 24:10; Isa. 1:9; Mal. 4:3)
Lord of Lords (Deu. 10:17; Psa. 136:3; 1 Tim 6:15; Rev. 17:14, 19:16)
Lord God of Your Fathers (Joshua 18:3; Deu. 1:11, etc.)
Lord God omnipotent
Lord GOD which gathereth the outcasts of Israel
Lord, holy and true
Lord Jesus
LORD most high
Lord of all (Jesus Christ)
LORD of hosts
Lord of glory
Lord of kings
Lord of lords
Lord of peace
Lord of Sabaoth
Lord of the whole earth
LORD on high
LORD our God
LORD our Lord
Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be
Love (“God is love”) (1 John 4:8, 16)
Machseh (Hebrew) (“Fortress,” “Shelter,” “Refuge”) (Psalm 91:2)
Magen (Hebrew)
Majesty on high
Man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief (Isa. 53:3)
Man of war (Exo. 15:3; Isa. 42:13)
Ma’on (“Refuge,” “Dwelling place” - Psalm 90:1)
kurios - Eph. 6:9; Col. 4:1
didaskalos - John 13:14, 20:16
Mediator of a better covenant (Jesus Christ)
Mediator of the new testament (Jesus Christ)
Melekh (Hebrew)
Melekh HaKavod (Hebrew) (“The King of Glory”) (Psalm 24:7-10)
Melekh Yisrael (Hebrew) (“King of Israel”) (2 Samuel 24:23; Psalm 98:6; Isaiah 6:5; Jeremiah 46:18; 48:15; 51:57)
Merciful and faithful high priest (Heb. 2:17)
Merciful God (Deu. 4:31; Neh. 9:31)
Meshiach (Hebrew) (“The Anointed One” - Christ)
Mighty (Deu. 10:17, etc.)
Mighty God (Isaiah 9:6)
Mighty God of Jacob (Gen. 49:24, etc.)
Mighty One of Israel (Isa. 1:24; Isa. 30:29)
Mighty One of Jacob (Avir Ya’akov) (Isa. 49:26, 60:16)
Mighty terrible one [“a mighty, awesome One” (NKJV) / “a mighty warrior” (NIV) / “a dread warrior” (NRSV)] (Jer. 20:11)
Mine elect (Jesus Christ)
Mine Holy One
Minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle (Heb. 8:2)
Misthapodotes (Greek) (“Rewarder” of them that diligently seek Him - Heb. 11:6)
Most High (Num. 24:16; Deu. 32:8; Psa. 9:2, etc.)
Qodesh 'Elyown - Num. 24:16; Deu. 32:8; 2 Sam. 22:14; Psa. 9:2, etc.
Hupsistos Hupsistos - Acts 7:48, 16:17
Most High God
'Elyown 'Elyown 'elohiym (Gen. 14:18-20, 22; Psa. 78:56)
'Illay 'Illay 'elahh (Dan. 5:18, 21)
Hupsistos Hupsistos Theos (Mark 5:7; Acts 16:17; Heb. 7:1)
Most Mighty
Most upright
My beloved
My beloved Son (Jesus Christ)
My buckler
My defense
My defense and refuge in the day of my trouble
My deliverer
My exceeding joy
My Father
My father's God
My [God's] firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth (Jesus Christ)
My fortress
My friend
My glory
My God
My goodness
My help
My hiding place
My hiding place and my shield
My high tower
My hope
My hope in the day of evil
My judge
My King
My lamp
My love
My portion for ever
My portion in the land of the living
My praise
My Redeemer
My refuge
My refuge and my portion
My refuge in the day of affliction
My rock
My salvation
My Savior
My [God's] servant (Jesus Christ)
My [God's] servant David (Jesus Christ)
My shepherd
My shield
My song
My stay
My strength and power
My strength and song
My strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort
My strong refuge
My strong rock
My trust from my youth
Nail in a sure place (Isa. 22:23)
One mediator between God and men (Jesus Christ)
Only begotten of the Father (Jesus Christ)
Only begotten Son of God (Jesus Christ)
‘Or Goyim (Hebrew) (“Light of the Nations”) (Isaiah 42:6)
‘Or Yisrael (Hebrew) (“Light of Israel”) (Isaiah 10:17; Psalm 27:1)
Our Father
… 'Ab - Isaiah 63:16, 64:8
… Pater - Mat. 6:9
Our captain
Our dwelling place
Our Father
Our Father which is in heaven
Our guide
Our lawgiver
Our life
Our Lord Jesus Christ
Our peace
Our potter
Our Savior Jesus Christ
Palet (Hebrew)
Pantokrator (Greek) (“Almighty” - 2 Cor. 6:18, Revelation 19:6)
Place of broad rivers and streams (Isa. 33:21)
Plant of renown (Ezek. 34:29) - literally, “a plant of the Name”
Great Physician
Pioneer and Perfecter of our Faith (or Author and Finisher)
Portion of Jacob
Portion of mine inheritance and of my cup
Possessor of heaven and earth
Potentate (dunastes - 1 Tim. 6:15)
Precious corner stone
Priest upon his throne (Zec. 6:13)
Prince (Acts 5:31) (Jesus Christ)
Prince of life (Jesus Christ)
Prince of Peace (Sar Shalom - Isaiah 9:6) (Jesus Christ)
Prince of princes
Prince of the kings of the earth
Promise of the Father (Holy Spirit)
Qanna' and Qanna' 'El (“Jealous” - Exo. 34:14 / “Jealous God” - Exo. 20:5; Deu. 4:24, etc.)
Redeemer (Job 19:25; Psa. 19:14; Jer. 50:34; etc.)
Redeemer of Israel
Redeeming Angel (Hamelekh Hagoel) (Genesis 48:16)
Refuge (Ma’on) (Psalm 90:1)
Refuge for the oppressed
Refuge from the storm
Refuge in times of trouble
Rewarder of them that diligently seek Him (Heb. 11:6)
Righteous Branch (Jesus Christ)
Righteous Father
Righteous One (Prov. 21:12; Isa 24:16; Acts 3:14, 7:52, 22:14; 1 John 2:1)
Rivers of water in a dry place
Rock of His Salvation (Tsur Yeshuato) (Deuteronomy 32:15)
Rock of Israel (Tsur Yisrael) (2 Samuel 23:3)
Rock of my refuge
Rock of my salvation
Rock of my strength
Rock of offence (to both the houses of Israel) (Isa. 8:14; Rom. 9:33; 1 Pet. 2:8)
Rod out of the stem of Jesse (Isa. 11:1)
Roeh (Hebrew) (“Shepherd”) (Gen. 49:24; Psalm 23:1; 80:1)
Root of David (Jesus Christ)
Root of Jesse (Isa. 11:10; Rom. 15:12) (Jesus Christ)
Ruler in Israel
Sabaoth (Hebrew)
Salvation of God (Jesus Christ)
Salvation of Israel
Sar Shalom (Hebrew) (“Prince of Peace”) (Isaiah 9:6)
Saving strength of his anointed
Savior of all men
Savior of the world (Jesus Christ)
Second Adam
Seed of Abraham (Jesus Christ)
Shaddai (or Shadday) (Hebrew)
Shadow from the heat (Isa. 25:4)
Shaphat (Hebrew)
Shepherd (Roeh) (Gen. 49:24; Psalm 23:1; 80:1)
Great Shepherd of the Sheep (Heb. 13:20)
Shield (“My Shield”) (2 Sam. 22:3; Psa. 28:7, 119:114, 144:2)
Shiloh (Hebrew) (Gen. 49:10)
Shaphat / Shofet (Hebrew) (“Judge” - Psalm 50:6)
Shelter (for me) (Machaceh - Psa. 61:3)
Shepherd and Bishop of your souls
Shepherd of Israel
Shield of thy help
Son of David (Jesus Christ)
Son of God (Jesus Christ)
Son of man (Jesus Christ)
Son of the Blessed (Jesus Christ)
Son of the Father (Jesus Christ)
Son of the Highest (Jesus Christ)
Son of the living God (Jesus Christ)
Sophia (Greek) (“The Wisdom of God”)
Soter (Greek) (“Savior”)
Spirit of Christ (pneuma christos) (Rom. 8:9; 1 Pet. 1:11)
Spirit of counsel and might
Spirit of glory and of God
Spirit of God (ruwach 'elohiym - Gen. 1:2; 1 Sam. 10:10) / pneuma theos - Rom. 8:9)
Spirit of Grace (Heb. 10:29)
Spirit of Holiness (Rom. 1:4)
Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD
Spirit of Life (Rev. 11:11)
Spirit of Mercy
Spirit of the living God
Spirit of the LORD
Spirit of Truth (John 14:17, 15:26, 16:13; 1 John 4:6)
Spirit of wisdom and understanding
Stone of Israel (‘Even Yisrael) (Genesis 49:24)
Stone of stumbling (Isa. 8:14)
Strength (Psa. 19:14, etc.)
Strength of Israel
Strength of my heart
Strength of my salvation
Stumblingstone (Rom. 9:33; 1 Pet. 2:8)
Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:2) (Jesus Christ)
Sword of thy excellency
Theos (Greek) (“God”)
Theotes (Greek) (Col. 2:9; Rom. 1:20)
That eternal life (Jesus Christ)
That man whom he hath ordained (Jesus Christ)
The Almighty
The Amen
The beginning and the ending
The beginning, the firstborn from the dead (Jesus Christ)
The Branch of righteousness (Jesus Christ)
The breaker (as in, the deliverer—see Micah 2:13)
The bridegroom (Jesus Christ)
The brightness of his glory (Jesus Christ)
The chief corner stone (Jesus Christ)
The chief Shepherd (Jesus Christ)
The Christ
The Christ of God
The Comforter (Holy Spirit)
The Deliverer (Jesus Christ)
The earnest of our inheritance (Holy Spirit)
The eternal God
The eternal Spirit
The express image of his person (Jesus Christ)
The faithful and true witness
The faithful God
The fear of Isaac
The first and the last
The first-begotten (Jesus Christ)
The glorious LORD
The Godhead
The great and dreadful God
The great God
The great God that formed all things
The Great, the Mighty God
The great, the mighty, and the terrible God (“terrible” means “awesome” in KJV)
The Head (Jesus Christ)
The head of the corner (Jesus Christ)
The high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity
The high God their redeemer
The Highest
The Holy
The Holy One
The Holy One and the Just (Jesus Christ)
The Holy One in the midst of thee
The Holy One of God (Jesus Christ)
The hope of their fathers
The husbandman (the Father)
The invisible God
The Just One
The King eternal, immortal, invisible
The Lamb (Jesus Christ)
The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Jesus Christ)
The Lamb that was slain (Jesus Christ)
The last Adam (Jesus Christ)
The lifter up of mine head
The Light
The light of the world (Jesus Christ)
The living bread which came down from heaven (Jesus Christ)
The living Father
The Living God
The Lord from heaven (Jesus Christ)
The LORD mighty in battle
The LORD my banner
The LORD my strength
The LORD our maker
The LORD strong and mighty
The LORD that doth sanctify you
The LORD that healeth thee
The LORD that is faithful
The LORD that maketh all things
The LORD that smiteth
The LORD the God
The LORD, The God of Hosts
The LORD the Judge
The LORD thy God from the land of Egypt
The LORD thy God in the midst of thee
The LORD thy Redeemer
The LORD which hallows you
The LORD which will help thee
The LORD your God which goeth before you
The Lord's Christ (Jesus Christ)
The Majesty in the heavens
The Messiah (Jesus Christ)
The Messiah the Prince (Jesus Christ)
The mighty God
The Most High
The most high God
The Most High over all the earth
The Most Holy (Jesus Christ)
The only Lord God
The only true God
The only wise God
The only wise God our Savior
The pearl of great price
The Prophet (Jesus Christ)
The propitiation for our sins (Jesus Christ)
The resurrection, and the life (Jesus Christ)
The righteous judge
The righteous LORD
The Rock
The Rock that begat thee
The rock that is higher than I
The root and the offspring of David (Jesus Christ)
The seven Spirits of God (Holy Spirit)
The shadow of a great rock in a weary land
The Son (Jesus Christ)
The Spirit
The Spirit of his Son (Holy Spirit)
The Spirit of your Father
The stone which the builders disallowed (Jesus Christ)
The true bread from heaven (Jesus Christ)
The true God
The true light (Jesus Christ)
The true vine (Jesus Christ)
The uncorruptible God
The way, the truth, and the life (Jesus Christ)
The Word (Jesus Christ)
The Word of God (Jesus Christ)
The Word of life (Jesus Christ)
Thine everlasting light
Thine husband
Thou preserver of men
Thou that dwellest between the cherubim
Thou that dwellest in the heavens
Thou that hearest prayer
Thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel
Thou that leadest Joseph like a flock
Thou that liftest me up from the gates of death
Thou that savest by thy right hand
Thou whom my soul loveth
Thy Creator
Thy exceeding great reward
Thy Father that hath bought thee
Thy God that pleadeth the cause of his people
Thy good Spirit
Thy holy child Jesus
Thy keeper
Thy life, and the length of thy days
Thy Lord the LORD
Thy Maker
Thy shade upon thy right hand
Tower of salvation
True Vine
Truth, The
Tsaddiq (Hebrew)
Tsemach (Hebrew)
Tsemach Adonai (Hebrew) (“Branch of the Lord”) (Isaiah 4:2; Jeremiah 23:5; 33:15; Hosea 8:7; Zechariah 3:8; 6:12)
Tsur (Hebrew) (“Rock,” “Strength”) (Psalm 18:2)
Tsur Yisrael (Hebrew) (“Rock of Israel”) (2 Samuel 23:3)
Tsur Yeshuato (“Rock of His Salvation”) (Deuteronomy 32:15)
Vine, The (John 15:5)
Who will have all men to be saved
Who also maketh intercession for us (Jesus Christ)
Who answered me in the day of my distress
Who calleth those things which be not as though they were
Who comforteth us in all our tribulation
Who commanded the light to shine out of darkness
Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment
Who crowneth thee with loving-kindness and tender mercies
Who daily loadeth us with benefits
Who dwelleth on high
Who forgiveth all thine iniquities
Who gave himself a ransom for all (Jesus Christ)
Who gave himself for our sins (Jesus Christ)
Who giveth food to all flesh
Who giveth rain upon the earth
Who giveth songs in the night
Who giveth us richly all things to enjoy
Who hath abolished death (Jesus Christ)
Who hath also sealed us
Who hath ascended up into heaven (Jesus Christ)
Who hath bound the waters in a garment
Who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus
Who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory
Who hath established all the ends of the earth
Who hath gathered the wind in his fists
Who hath given me counsel
Who hath given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts
Who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire
Who hath redeemed my soul out of all adversity
Who hath redeemed us from our enemies
Who hath saved us and called us with a holy calling
Who hast done great things
Who hast set thy glory above the heavens
Who healeth all thy diseases
Who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven and in the earth
Who is above all
Who is blessed for ever
Who is over all (Jesus Christ)
Who is rich in mercy
Who is worthy to be praised
Who keepest covenant and mercy
Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever
Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters
Who liveth for ever and ever
Who loved me, and gave himself for me (Jesus Christ)
Who maketh the clouds his chariot
Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire
Who only doeth wondrous things
Who only hath immortality
Who quickeneth all things
Who quickeneth the dead
Who redeemeth thy life from destruction
Who remembered us in our low estate
Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things
Who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil
Who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain
Who taketh vengeance
Who walketh upon the wings of the wind
Who was delivered for our offenses (Jesus Christ)
Who was faithful to him that appointed him (Jesus Christ)
Who was raised again for our justification (Jesus Christ)
Who was with me in the way which I went
Word (John 1:1)
Wonderful (Peleh, pele’) (Isaiah 9:6)
Yah (Hebrew)
Yahweh (Hebrew: YHVH / YHWH)
Yashar (Hebrew) (“Just One”) (Isaiah 26:7)
Yeos (Greek) (“God”)
Yesha (Hebrew)
Your dread
Your fear
Your heavenly Father
Your Holy One
Y'shua (Hebrew) (“Jehovah is Salvation”)
Zur (Hebrew)

Names of God in Judaism (Wikipedia)


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If Jesus was the Son of God, why did He call Himself the Son of Man?

This sounds like some kind of contradiction at first glance, but in fact there is no contradiction. An examination of Scripture reveals that the phrase "Son of Man" carries broad significance.

First of all, even if the phrase "Son of Man" is a reference to Jesus' humanity, it is not a denial of His deity. By becoming a man, Jesus did not cease being God. The incarnation of Christ did not involve the subtraction of deity, but the addition of humanity. Jesus clearly claimed to be God on many occasions (Matthew 16:16,17; John 8:58; 10:30). But in addition to being divine, He was also human (see Philippians 2:6-8). He had two natures (divine and human) conjoined in one person.

Further, Scripture indicates that Jesus was not denying His deity by referring to Himself as the Son of Man. In fact, it is highly revealing that the term "Son of Man" is used in Scripture in contexts of Christ's deity. For example, the Bible says that only God can forgive sins (Isaiah 43:25; Mark 2:7). But as the "Son of Man," Jesus had the power to forgive sins (Mark 2:10). Likewise, Christ will return to earth as the "Son of Man" in clouds of glory to reign on earth (Matthew 26:63-64). In this passage, Jesus is citing Daniel 7:13 where the Messiah is described as the "Ancient of Days," a phrase used to indicate His deity (cf. Daniel 7:9).

Further, when Jesus was asked by the high priest whether He was the "Son of God" (Matthew 26:63), He responded affirmatively, declaring that He was the "Son of Man" who would come in power and great glory (verse 64). This indicated that Jesus Himself used the phrase "Son of Man" to indicate His deity as the Son of God.

Finally, the phrase "Son of Man" also emphasizes who Jesus is in relation to His incarnation and His work of salvation. In the Old Testament (Leviticus 25:25-26, 48-49; Ruth 2:20), the next of kin (one related by blood) always functioned as the "kinsman-redeemer" of a family member who needed redemption from jail. Jesus became related to us "by blood" (that is, He became a man) so He could function as our Kinsman-Redeemer and rescue us from sin.

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Author: Dr. Ron Rhodes of Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries.

This page is located at: http://www.christiananswers.net/q-eden/son-of-man.html

Copyright, 1999, Ron Rhodes.

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Incarnation Meaning: in the flesh

Meaning: in the flesh

This was the act of grace whereby Christ took our human nature into union with his Divine Person and became man. Christ is both God and man. Human attributes and actions are predicated of him, and he of whom they are predicated is God. A Divine Person was united to a human nature (Acts 20:28; Rom. 8:32; 1 Cor. 2:8; Hebrews 2:11-14; 1 Tim. 3:16; Gal. 4:4, etc.).

The union is hypostatical, i.e., is personal; the two natures are not mixed or confounded, and it is perpetual.

Author: Matthew G. Easton, with minor editing by Paul S. Taylor.

How can one God be three persons?

The doctrine of the Trinity — that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are each equally and eternally the one true God — is admittedly difficult to comprehend, and yet is the very foundation of Christian truth. Although skeptics may ridicule it as a mathematical impossibility, it is nevertheless a basic doctrine of Scripture as well as profoundly realistic in both universal experience and in the scientific understanding of the cosmos.

Both Old and New Testaments teach the Unity and the Trinity of the Godhead. The idea that there is only one God, who created all things, is repeatedly emphasized in such Scriptures as Isaiah 45:18:

“For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; …I am the Lord; and there is none else.”

A New Testament example is James 2:19:

“Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well; the devils also believe, and tremble.”

The three persons of the Godhead are, at the same time, noted in such Scriptures as Isaiah 48:16:

“I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; From the time that it was, there am I; and now the Lord God, and his Spirit, hath sent me.”

The speaker in this verse is obviously God, and yet He says He has been sent both by The Lord God (that is, the Father) and by His Spirit (that is, the Holy Spirit).

The New Testament doctrine of the Trinity is evident in such a verse as John 15:26, where the Lord Jesus said:

“But when the Comforter is come whom I will send unto you from the Father, He shall testify of me.”

Then there is the baptismal formula:

“baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 28:19).

One name (God) — yet three names!

JESUS — That Jesus, as the only-begotten Son of God, actually claimed to be God, equal with the Father, is clear from numerous Scriptures. For example, He said:

“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty” (Revelation 1:8).

HOLY SPIRIT — Some cults falsely teach that the Holy Spirit is an impersonal divine influence of some kind, but the Bible teaches that He is a real person, just as are the Father and the Son. Jesus said:

“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak; and he will show you things to come” (John 16:13).

TRI-UNITY — The teaching of the Bible concerning the Trinity might be summarized thus. God is a Tri-unity, with each Person of the Godhead equally and fully and eternally God. Each is necessary, and each is distinct, and yet all are one. The three Persons appear in a logical, causal order. The Father is the unseen, omnipresent Source of all being, revealed in and by the Son, experienced in and by the Holy Spirit. The Son proceeds from the Father, and the Spirit from the Son. With reference to God's creation, the Father is the Thought behind it, the Son is the Word calling it forth, and the Spirit is the Deed making it a reality.

We “see” God and His great salvation in the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, then “experience” their reality by faith, through the indwelling presence of His Holy Spirit.

Though these relationships seem paradoxical, and to some completely impossible, they are profoundly realistic, and their truth is ingrained deep in man's nature. Thus, men have always sensed first the truth that God must be “out there,” everywhere present and the First Cause of all things, but they have corrupted this intuitive knowledge of the Father into pantheism and ultimately into naturalism.

Similarly, men have always felt the need to “see” God in terms of their own experience and understanding, but this knowledge that God must reveal Himself has been distorted into polytheism and idolatry. Men have thus continually erected “models” of God, sometimes in the form of graven images, sometimes even in the form of philosophical systems purporting to represent ultimate reality.

Finally, men have always known that they should be able to have communion with their Creator and to experience His presence “within.” But this deep intuition of the Holy Spirit has been corrupted into various forms of false mysticism and fanaticism, and even into spiritism and demonism. Thus, the truth of God's tri-unity is ingrained in man's very nature, but he has often distorted it and substituted a false god in its place.


A true miracle is an event in the external world brought about by the immediate agency or the simple volition of God, operating without the use of means capable of being discerned by the senses, and designed to authenticate the divine commission of a religious teacher and the truth of his message (John 2:18; Matt. 12:38).

It is an occurrence at once above nature and above man. It shows the intervention of a power that is not limited by the laws either of matter or of mind, a power interrupting the fixed laws which govern their movements, a supernatural power.

"The suspension or violation of the laws of nature involved in miracles is nothing more than is constantly taking place around us. One force counteracts another: vital force keeps the chemical laws of matter in abeyance; and muscular force can control the action of physical force. When a man raises a weight from the ground, the law of gravity is neither suspended nor violated, but counteracted by a stronger force. The same is true as to the walking of Christ on the water and the swimming of iron at the command of the prophet.

The simple and grand truth that the universe is not under the exclusive control of physical forces, but that everywhere and always there is above, separate from and superior to all else, an infinite personal will, not superceding, but directing and controlling all physical causes, acting with or without them."

God ordinarily effects his purpose through the agency of second causes; but he has the power also of effecting his purpose immediately and without the intervention of second causes, i.e., of invading the fixed order, and thus of working miracles. Thus we affirm the possibility of miracles, the possibility of a higher hand intervening to control or reverse nature's ordinary movements.

In the New Testament these four Greek words are principally used to designate miracles:

Semeion, a "sign", i.e., an evidence of a divine commission; an attestation of a divine message (Matt. 12:38,39; 16:1, 4; Mark 8:11; Luke 11:16; 23:8; John 2:11, 18, 23; Acts 6:8, etc.); a token of the presence and working of God; the seal of a higher power.

Terata, "wonders;" wonder-causing events; portents; producing astonishment in the beholder (Acts 2:19).

Dunameis, "might works;" works of superhuman power (Acts 2:22; Rom. 15:19; 2 Thess. 2:9); of a new and higher power.

Erga, "works;" the works of Him who is "wonderful in working" (John 5:20, 36).

Miracles are seals of a divine mission. The sacred writers appealed to them as proofs that they were messengers of God. Our Lord also appealed to miracles as a conclusive proof of his divine mission (John 5:20, 36; 10:25, 38). Thus, being out of the common course of nature and beyond the power of man, they are fitted to convey the impression of the presence and power of God.

Where miracles are there certainly God is. The man, therefore, who works a miracle affords thereby clear proof that he comes with the authority of God; they are his credentials that he is God's messenger. The teacher points to these credentials, and they are a proof that he speaks with the authority of God. He boldly says, "God bears me witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles."

The credibility of miracles is established by the evidence of the senses on the part of those who are witnesses of them, and to all others by the testimony of such witnesses. The witnesses were competent, and their testimony is trustworthy. Unbelievers, following Hume, deny that any testimony can prove a miracle, because they say miracles are impossible. We have shown that miracles are possible, and surely they can be borne witness to. Surely they are credible when we have abundant and trustworthy evidence of their occurrence. They are credible just as any facts of history well authenticated are credible.

Miracles, it is said, are contrary to experience. Of course they are contrary to our experience, but that does not prove that they were contrary to the experience of those who witnessed them. We believe a thousand facts, both of history and of science, that are contrary to our experience, but we believe them on the ground of competent testimony.

An atheist or a pantheist must, as a matter of course, deny the possibility of miracles; but to one who believes in a personal God, who in his wisdom may see fit to interfere with the ordinary processes of nature, miracles are not impossible, nor are they incredible.

Author: Matthew G. Easton.
List of miracles recorded in the Bible (partial list)

Creation of the universe, including plants, animals and humans (Genesis 1-2)
The flood (Gen. 7, 8)

View Flood and Babel movie sequence from The HOPE

Confusion of languages (tongues) at Babel (Gen. 11:1-9)
Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 19:24)
Lot's wife turned into a "pillar of salt" (Gen. 19:26)
Birth of Isaac at Gerar (Gen. 21:1)
The burning bush not consumed (Ex. 3:3)
Aaron's rod changed into a serpent (Ex. 7:10-12)
The ten plagues of Egypt (Ex. 7:20-12:30)

waters become blood
thunder and hail
death of the first-born
Red Sea divided; Israel passes through (See: Passage of Red Sea) (Ex. 14:21-31)
Waters of Marah sweetened (Ex. 15:23-25)
Manna sent daily, except on Sabbath (Ex. 16:14-35)
Water from the rock at Rephidim (Ex. 17:5-7)
Nadab and Abihu consumed for offering "strange fire" (Lev. 10:1, 2)
Some of the people consumed by fire at Taberah (Num. 11:1-3)
The earth opens and swallows up Korah and his company. (Num. 16:32-34)
Fire at Kadesh (Num. 16:35-45)
Plague at Kadesh (Num. 16:46-50)
Aaron's rod budding at Kadesh (Num. 17:8)
Water from the rock, smitten twice by Moses, Desert of Zin (Num. 20:7-11)
The brazen serpent in the Desert of Zin (Num. 21:8, 9)
Balaam's ass speaks (Num. 22:21-35)
The Jordan divided, so that Israel passed over dryshod near the city of Adam (Josh. 3:14-17)
The walls of Jericho fall down (Josh. 6:6-20)
The sun and moon stayed. (Josh. 10:12-14)
Hailstorm. (Josh. 10:12-14)
The strength of Samson (Judg. 14-16)
Water from a hollow place "that is in Lehi" (Judg. 15:19)
Dagon falls twice before the ark. (1 Sam. 5:1-12)
Emerods on the Philistines (1 Sam. 5:1-12)
Men of Beth-shemesh smitten for looking into the ark (1 Sam. 6:19)
Thunderstorm causes a panic among the Philistines at Eben-ezer (1 Sam. 7:10-12)
Thunder and rain in harvest at Gilgal (1 Sam. 12:18)
Sound in the mulberry trees at Rephaim (2 Sam. 5:23-25)
Uzzah smitten for touching the ark at Perez-uzzah (2 Sam. 6:6, 7)
Jeroboam's hand withered. (1 Kings 13:4)
Jeroboam's new altar destroyed at Bethel (1 Kings 13:4-6
31. Widow of Zarephath's meal and oil increased (1 Kings 17:14-16)
Widow's son raised from the dead (1 Kings 17:17-24)
Drought at Elijah's prayers (1 Kings 17, 18)
Fire at Elijah's prayers (1 Kings 18:19-39)
Rain at Elijah's prayers (1 Kings 18:41-45)
Elijah fed by ravens (1 Kings 17, 18)
Ahaziah's captains consumed by fire near Samaria (2 Kings 1:10-12)
Jordan divided by Elijah and Elisha near Jericho (2 Kings 2:7, 8, 14)
Elijah carried up into heaven (2 Kings 2:11)
Waters of Jericho healed by Elisha's casting salt into them (2 Kings 2:21, 22)
Bears out of the wood destroy forty-two "young men" (2 Kings 2:24)
Water provided for Jehoshaphat and the allied army (2 Kings 3:16-20)
The widow's oil multiplied (2 Kings 4:2-7)
The Shunammite's son given, and raised from the dead at Shunem (2 Kings 4:32-37)
The deadly pottage cured with meal at Gilgal (2 Kings 4:38-41)
A hundred men fed with twenty loaves at Gilgal (2 Kings 4:42-44)
Naaman cured of leprosy, Gehazi afflicted with it (2 Kings 5:10-27)
The iron axe-head made to swim, river Jordan (2 Kings 6:5-7)
Ben hadad's plans discovered. Hazael's thoughts, etc. (2 Kings 6:12)
The Syrian army smitten with blindness at Dothan (2 Kings 6:18)
The Syrian army cured of blindness at Samaria (2 Kings 6:20)
Elisha's bones revive the dead (2 Kings 13:21)
Sennacherib's army destroyed, Jerusalem (2 Kings 19:35)
Shadow of sun goes back ten degrees on the sun-dial of Ahaz, Jerusalem (2 Kings 20:9-11)
Uzziah struck with leprosy, Jerusalem (2 Chr. 26:16-21)
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego delivered from the fiery furnace, Babylon (Dan. 3:10-27)
Daniel saved in the lions' den (Dan. 6:16-23)
Jonah in the fish's belly. Safely landed (Jonah 2:1-10)
Gideon's fleece (Judg. 6:37-40)
Miracles Recorded in the Gospels

Cure of two blind men (Matt 9:27-31)
Piece of money in the fish's mouth (Matt 17:24-27)
The deaf and dumb man (Mark 7:31-37)
The blind man of Bethsaida (Mark 8:22-26)
Jesus passes unseen through the crowd (Luke 4:28-30)

The miraculous draught of fishes (Luke 5:4-11)
The raising of the widow's son at Nain (Luke 7:11-18)
The woman with the spirit of infirmity (Luke 13:11-17)
The man with the dropsy (Luke 14:1-6)
The ten lepers (Luke 17:11-19)
The healing of Malchus (Luke 22:50-51)

Water made wine (John 2:1-11)
Cure of nobleman's son, Capernaum (John 4:46-54)
Impotent man at Bethsaida cured (John 5:1-9)
Man born blind cured (John 9:1-7)

Lazarus raised from the dead (John 11:38-44)
Draught of fishes (John 21:1-14)
Syrophoenician woman's daughter cured (Matt 15:28; Mark 7:24)

Four thousand fed (Matt 15:32; Mark 8:1)
Fig tree blasted (Matt 21:18; Mark 11:12)
Centurion's servant healed (Matt 8:5; Luke 7:1)
Blind and dumb demoniac cured (Matt 12:22; Luke 11:14)
Demoniac cured in synagogue at Capernaum (Mark 1:23; Luke 4:33)
Peter's wife's mother cured (Matt 8:14; Mark 1:30; Luke 4:38)
The tempest stilled (Matt 8:23; Mark 4:37; Luke 8:22)
Demoniacs of Gadara cured (Matt 8:28; Mark 5:1; Luke 8:26)
Swine rush into and drown (Mark 5:1-20)
Leper healed (Matt 8:2; Mark 1:40; Luke 5:12)
Jairus's daughter raised (Matt 9:23; Mark 5:23; Luke 8:41)
Woman's issue of blood cured (Matt 9:20; Mark 5:25; Luke 8:43)
Man sick of the palsy cured (Matt 9:2; Mark 2:3; Luke 5:18)
Man's withered hand cured (Matt 12:10; Mark 3:1; Luke 6:6)
A lunatic child cured (Matt 17:14; Mark 9:14; Luke 9:37)
Two blind men cured (Matt 20:29; Mark 10:46; Luke 18:35)
Jesus walks on the sea (Matt 14:25; Mark 6:48; John 6:15)
Jesus feeds 5,000 "in a desert place" (Matt 14:15; Mark 6:30; Luke 9:10; John 6:1-14)
Many fulfilled prophecies (also see: prophets)
The conception of Jesus Christ by the Holy Ghost (Luke 1:35)
Star of Bethlehem
The transfiguration (Matt 17:1-8)
The resurrection (John 21:1-14)
The ascension (Luke 2:42-51)
Peter and the healing of a the paralytic Aeneas at Lydda (Acts 9:32, 35, 38)
Miraculous ability to speak and/or understand a foreign language (tongue) previously unknown to the speaker (See: Gift of tongues)
Inspiration of Scripture by God

Messianic PropheciesMessianic Prophecies

Messianic Prophecies

Biblical prophecy specialists Peter and Paul LaLonde have noted that:

The Old Testament includes about sixty different prophecies, with more than 300 references, of the coming of the Messiah. It was through the fulfillment of these prophecies that Israel was told she would be able to recognize the true Messiah when He came. The four gospels record several times when Jesus said that He was fulfilling a prophecy of the Old Testament. Luke 24:27 records, for example,

"And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself." And verse 44 notes, "And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and the prophets and the psalms, concerning me." [Peter and Paul LaLonde, 301 Startling Proofs & Prophecies (Niagra Falls, Ontario, Canada: Prophecy Partners, Inc., 1996).]

Jesus Christ himself said, "For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me" (John 5:46, NKJV). Likewise, Christ's disciples taught that He fulfilled Old Testament prophecy (e.g., Acts 3:18; 17:2-3; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4).

Partial list of prophecies about the Messiah

Click to learn the story of Moses in our God's Story section.
A prophet like unto Moses. This was prophecied by Moses, himself:

"The LORD your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from your midst, from your brethren. Him you shall hear, according to all you desired of the LORD your God in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying, 'Let me not hear again the voice of the LORD my God, nor let me see this great fire anymore, lest I die.' And the LORD said to me: 'What they have spoken is good. 'I will raise up for them a Prophet like you from among their brethren, and will put My words in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I command Him. And it shall be that whoever will not hear My words, which He speaks in My name, I will require it of him'." (Deuteronomy 18:15-19, NKJV).

Like Moses, the Messiah would be a leader, a prophet, a lawgiver, a deliverer, a teacher, a priest, an anointed one, a mediator, a human and one of God's chosen people (a Jew) performing the role of intermediary between God and man—speaking the words of God—and like Moses, the Messiah would offer himself to die for the sins of the people. Both Moses and Jesus performed many miracles validating their message. As infants, both their lives were threatened by evil kings, and both were supernaturally protected from harm. Both spent their early years in Egypt. Both taught new truths from God. Both cured lepers (Num 12:10-15; Matt. 8:2-3) and confronted demonic powers. Both were initially doubted in their roles by their siblings. Moses lifted up the brazen serpent to heal all his people who had faith; Jesus was lifted up on the cross to heal all who would have faith in Him. Moses appointed 70 elders to rule Israel (Num. 11:16-17); Jesus appointed 70 disciples to teach the nations (Luke 10:1, 17). And there are many other parallels between the lives of Moses and Jesus.

The Messiah would be a descendant of Noah's son, Shem. Noah said, "Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant (Gen. 9:26-27). Chapter 10 goes on list descendants of Shem, noting that he was ancestor of Eber (Heber: Luke 3:35), the founder of the Hebrew race.

Noah associated Shem especially with the worship of Jehovah, recognizing the dominantly spiritual motivations of Shem and thus implying that God's promised Deliverer would ultimately come from Shem. The Semitic nations have included the Hebrews, Arabs, Assyrians, Persians, Syrians and other strongly religious-minded peoples.

…Shem was peculiarly His [God's] steward with respect to the propagation of God's will and plan for mankind, especially the transmission of His saving Word. (Henry M. Morris, The Defender's Bible)

More specifically, he would be a descendant of Shem named Abraham ( Genesis 22:18; 12; 17; 22). Fulfilled: See Christ's genealogy in Matthew 1.

Click to learn more about the Abraham and Isaac in our God's Story section.
More specifically, he would be a descendant of Abraham's son, Isaac, not Ishmael (Gen. 17; 21). Fulfilled: See Christ's genealogy in Matthew 1.

More specifically, he would be a descendant of Isaac's son, Jacob, not Esau (Gen. 28; 35:10-12; Num. 24:17). Fulfilled: See Christ's genealogy in Matthew 1.

More specifically, he would be a descendant of Judah, not of the other eleven brothers of Jacob. Fulfilled: See Christ's genealogy in Matthew 1.

More specifically, he would be a descendant of the family of Jesse in the tribe of Benjamin (Isaiah 11:1-5). Fulfilled: See Christ's genealogy in Matthew 1 and Luke 3:23-38.

More specificially, he would be of the house of David (2 Samuel 7:12-16; Jeremiah 23:5; Psalm 89:3-4). Fulfilled: See Christ's genealogy in Matthew 1; Luke 1:27, 32, 69. Note: Since the the Jewish genealogical records were destroyed in 70 A.D., along with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, it would not be possible for a Messiah imposter who was born later to prove his lineage back to David and thus fulfill this prophecy.
He will be born in a small city called Bethlehem, specifically the one formerly known as Ephratah (Micah 5:2). Fulfilled: Luke 2:4-20. Note: Christ's birth in Bethlehem was apparently not by the choice of Mary and Joseph; it was forced upon them by Caesar Augustus' taxation decree which required Joseph to leave his home in the city of Nazareth and return to his place of origin to pay the tax.

He will be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14). Fulfilled: Matthew 1; Luke 1.

The Messiah would be the "seed of of a woman" come to destroy the work of the Devil. Not long after Creation, God prophecied to the serpent Satan, "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel" (Genesis 3:15). The implication was that Eve's descendant would undo the damage that Satan had caused.

The "seed of the woman" can only be an allusion to a future descendant of Eve who would have no human father. Biologically, a woman produces no seed, and except in this case Biblical usage always speaks only of the seed of men. This promised Seed would, therefore, have to be miraculously implanted in the womb. In this way, He would not inherit the sin nature which would disqualify every son of Adam from becoming a Savior from sin. This prophecy thus clearly anticipates the future virgin birth of Christ.

Satan will inflict a painful wound on the woman's Seed, but Christ in turn will inflict a mortal wound on the Serpent, crushing his head. This prophecy was fulfilled in the first instance at the cross, but will culminate when the triumphant Christ casts Satan into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:10).

This primeval prophecy made such a profound impression on Adam's descendants that it was incorporated, with varying degrees of distortion and embellishment, in all the legends, mythologies and astrologies of the ancients since they are filled with tales of mighty heroes engaged in life-and-death struggles with dragons and other monsters. Mankind, from the earliest ages, has recorded its hope that someday a Savior would come who would destroy the devil and reconcile man to God. (Henry M. Morris, The Defender's Bible)

In the New Testament, Christ's apostle John confirms that this was His Master's purpose, "He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work" (1 John 3:8). (Also see: Hebrews 2:14; Revelation 20:10.)

He will be a priest after the order of Melchisedek (Melchisedec) (Psalm 110:4). Fulfilled: Hebrews 5:6

The scepter shall not pass from the tribe of Judah until the Messiah comes. In other words, He will come before Israel loses its right to judge her own people. The patriarch Jacob prophecied this:

The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. (Genesis 49:10)

As Dr. Henry M. Morris' The Defender's Bible explains:

This important prophecy has been strikingly fulfilled. Although Judah was neither Jacob's firstborn son nor the son who would produce the priestly tribe, he was the son through whom God would fulfill His promises to Israel and to the world. The leadership, according to Jacob, was to go to Judah, but this did not happen for over 600 years. Moses came from Levi, Joshua from Ephraim, Gideon from Manasseh, Samson from Dan, Samuel from Ephraim and Saul from Benjamin. But when David finally became king, Judah held the scepter and did not relinquish it until after Shiloh came. "Shiloh" is a name for the Messiah, probably related to the Hebrew word for "peace" (shalom) and meaning in effect, "the one who brings peace."

According to the Jewish historian Josephus, the Sanhedrin of Israel lost the right to truly judge its own people when it lost the right to pass death penalties in 11 A.D. (Josephus, Antiquities, Book 17, Chapter 13). Jesus Christ was certainly born before 11 A.D.

Click to learn more about the life of Jesus in our God's Story section.
He will come while the Temple of Jerusalem is standing ( Malachi 3:1; Psalm 118:26; Daniel 9:26; Zechariah 11:13; Haggai 2:7-9). Fulfilled: Matthew 21:12, etc. (Note: The Temple did not exist at certain periods in Jewish history, and it was finally destroyed in 70 A.D.)
He will perform many miracles (Isaiah 35:5-6). Fulfillment: See list of "Miracles Recorded in the Gospels".

He will open the eyes of the blind (Isa. 29:18). Fulfillment: Matt 9:27-31; 12:22; 20:29; Mark 8:22-26; 10:46; Luke 11:14; 18:35; John 9:1-7.

He will speak in parables (Psalm 78:2). Fulfillment: Matthew 13:34, etc.

The Gentiles will believe in Him, while His own people (the Jews) will reject him ( Isaiah 8:14; 28:16; 49:6; 50:6; 60:3; Psalms 22:7-8; 118:22). Fulfillment: 1 Peter 2:7, etc.

A messenger (a man of the wilderness) will prepare the way for Him (Isa. 40:3; Malachi 3:1). See John the Baptist (Matthew 3:1-3; 11:10; John 1:23; Luke 1:17).

The exact day of His public revealment to Israel—and subsequent death.

The precise timing of Jesus' crucifixion was also given to the Jews when God revealed to the prophet Daniel (9:24) how the Jews could calculate the day of the revealing of the Messiah. Talking of a 490 year period, the prophet foresaw that it would begin "from the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem" (9:25). In the book of Nehemiah we learn that this command was given "in the month Nisan [on the Hebrew calendar], in the twentieth year of the king" (2:1). The king was Artaxerxes Longimanus who ruled from 465 to 425 B.C. The prophet Daniel said that 483 years from that date, the Messiah would be revealed to Israel, but He would then "be cut off, but not for himself" (9:26). This prophecy refers to the crucifixion when Jesus died, or was cut off, for the sins of the world.

483 years later, to the day, was Sunday, April 6, 32 A.D. On that day, which we commemorate as Palm Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and revealed Himself as Israel's Messiah. He was killed four days later, thus fulfilling the prophecy that He would be revealed and then slain. [Peter and Paul LaLonde, 301 Startling Proofs & Prophecies (Niagra Falls, Ontario, Canada: Prophecy Partners, Inc., 1996).]

Click to learn more about Jesus in our God's Story section.
He will enter Jerusalem riding a donkey (the colt of an ass) (Zechariah 9:9). Fulfillment: Matt. 21:5; Luke 19:32-37.

He will be hated for no reason (Psalm 69:4). Fulfillment: John 15:25.

He will be betrayed (Psalm 41:9). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:3-10.

More specifically, He will be betrayed by a friend (Psalm 41:9). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:3-10; 26:47-48.

The price of his betrayal will be thirty pieces of silver (Zech. 11:12). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:3-10.

The betrayal money will be cast onto the floor (Zech. 11:13). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:5.

More specifically, it will be cast onto the floor of the Temple (Zech. 11:13). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:3-10.

The betrayal money will be used to buy a potter's field (Zech. 11:13). Fulfillment: Matt. 27:6-10.

He will not open his mouth to defend himself (Isaiah 53:7). Fulfillment: Matthew 27:12.

Click to learn more about the betrayal and death of Jesus in our God's Story section.
He will be beaten and spit upon (Isaiah 50:6). Fulfillment: Matthew 26:67; 27:26-30.
He will be "numbered with the transgressors" (Isaiah 53:12). Fulfillment: Jesus was crucified as a criminal in between two thieves (Mat 27:38).

He will be pierced (Zechariah 12:10). Fulfillment: John 19:34

His hands and feet will be pierced (Psalm 22:16; cf. Zechariah 12:10; Galatians 3:13).

Crucifixion foretold. Psalm 22 graphically prophecies the Messiah's manner of death. At the time the psalm was written (and long after), the penalty for blasphemy was stoning. However, at the time Jesus was condemned by the Sanhedrin, it no longer had the legal right to put people to death. Thus, the case was taken to the Roman governor Pontius Pilate who crucified him according to Roman custom (see: Crucifixion).

The Jewish Passover sacrifice and Jesus Christ's sacrificial death coincide exactly.

The dates on which Jesus was taken by the Roman authorities, and then slain, also coincided precisely with the Jewish Passover. Jesus became the Passover Lamb, "without blemish." At the first Passover, described in Exodus 12, God instructed the Israelites to kill a lamb with no blemishes and to put its blood on their door posts. When the angel of death passed through Egypt where the Israelites were being held as slaves, it would pass by any house that had the blood of the a Passover lamb on its door posts. Jesus fulfilled Moses' prophecy of the Passover Lamb because it is through His blood that we can be saved from, or passed over by, death. [Peter and Paul LaLonde, 301 Startling Proofs & Prophecies (Niagra Falls, Ontario, Canada: Prophecy Partners, Inc., 1996).].

His bones will not be broken (Psalm 34:20; Exodus 12 states that the Passover lamb's bones are not to be broken.). Fulfillment: John 19:33.

Click to learn more about the betrayal and death of Jesus in our God's Story section.
They will divide his clothing and cast lots for them (Psalm 22:18). Fulfillment: John 19:23-24.
He will be given vinegar and gall to drink (Psalm 69:21). Fulfillment: Matthew 27:34, 48.

He will say: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Psalm 22:1). Fulfillment: Matthew 27:46.

He will be buried with the rich (Isaiah 53:9). Fulfillment: Matthew 27. According to Henry Morris,

This passage [Isaiah 53:9] could also be read, "they planned His grave (to be) with the wicked, but it was with a rich man [Joseph of Arimathea] in His death." (Henry M. Morris, The Defender's Bible)

He will not decay (Psalm 16:10). Fulfillment: Acts 2:31

He will be resurrected from the dead (Psalm 16:10). Fulfillment: Acts 2:31, etc. See: "Resurrection of Christ".

He will ascend into heaven (Psalm 68:18). Fulfillment: Acts 1:9.

He will be seated at the right hand of God (Psalm 110:1). Fulfillment: Hebrews 1:3.

He will be the Son of God (Psa. 2:7). Fulfilled: Matthew 3:17, etc.


Meaning: anointed, the Greek translation of the Hebrew word translated "Messiah"

Christ is the official title of our Lord, occurring 1,514 in the New Testament. It denotes that he was anointed or consecrated to his great redemptive work as Prophet, Priest, and King of his people. He is Jesus the Christ (Acts 17:3; 18:5; Matt. 22:42), the Anointed One. He is thus spoken of by Isaiah (61:1), and by Daniel (9:24-26), who describes him as "Messiah the Prince."

The Messiah is the same person as "the seed of the woman" (Gen. 3:15), "the seed of Abraham" (Gen. 22:18), the "Prophet like unto Moses" (Deut. 18:15), "the priest after the order of Melchizedek" (Ps. 110:4), "the rod out of the stem of Jesse" (Isa. 11:1, 10), the "Immanuel," the virgin's son (Isa. 7:14), "the branch of Jehovah" (Isa. 4:2), and "the messenger of the covenant" (Mal. 3:1).

This is he "of whom Moses in the law and the prophets did write." The Old Testament Scripture is full of prophetic declarations regarding the Great Deliverer and the work he was to accomplish. Jesus the Christ is Jesus the Great Deliverer, the Anointed One, the Savior of men. This name denotes that Jesus was divinely appointed, commissioned, and accredited as the Savior of men (Hebrews 5:4; Isa. 11:2-4; 49:6; John 5:37; Acts 2:22).

To believe that "Jesus is the Christ" is to believe that he is the Anointed, the Messiah of the prophets, the Savior sent of God, that he was, in a word, what he claimed to be. This is to believe the gospel, by the faith of which alone men can be brought unto God. That Jesus is the Christ is the testimony of God, and the faith of this constitutes a Christian (1 Cor. 12:3; 1 John 5:1).


Meaning: champion of God

This word was used as a proper name to designate the angel who was sent to Daniel (8:16) to explain the vision of the ram and the he-goat, and to communicate the prediction of the seventy weeks (Dan. 9:21-27).

He also announced the birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1:11), and of the Messiah (26). He describes himself in the words, "I am Gabriel, who stand in the presence of God" (1:19).

What does the Bible teach about angels?

What does the Bible teach about angels?
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Who or what are angels?

How did angels originate?

How many angels are there?

Do angels have bodies?

What do angels look like?

Do people become angels after death?

How do angels compare to human beings?

Are all angels good?

What is the job description for an angel?
No, angels are not glorified human beings. Matthew 22:30 explains that they do not marry or reproduce like humans, and Hebrews 12:22-23 says that when we get to the heavenly Jerusalem, we will be met by “myriads of angels” and “the spirits of righteous men made perfect”—two separate groups.
Angels are a company or association, not a race descended from a common ancestor (Luke 20:34-36). We are called “sons of men,” but angels are never called “sons of angels.”
Author: Dr. Paul Eymann.
The word “angel” actually comes from the Greek word aggelos, which means “messenger.” The matching Hebrew word mal'ak has the same meaning.
Sometimes, the Bible uses these words for human beings:
ordinary people who carry messages (Job 1:14; Luke 7:24; 9:52)
prophets (Isaiah 42:19; Malachi 3:1)
priests (Malachi 2:7)
church leaders (Rev 1:20)
Sometimes, it speaks figuratively of things or events as “messengers”…
the pillar of cloud (Exodus 14:19)
pestilence or plagues (2 Samuel 24:16-17)
But it usually describes the whole range of spirits whom God has created, including both good and evil angels, and special categories such as cherubim, seraphim, and the archangel.
Angels are mentioned at least 108 times in the Old Testament and 165 times in the New Testament (Chafer, Systematic Theology, II, 3). Hence, there is ample information available in Scripture to allow us to build a foundation for our knowledge of angelic beings.
Author: Dr. Paul Eymann.
The Scripture speaks about the creation of angels, therefore, it is clear that they have not existed from all eternity (Nehemiah 9:6; Psalm 148:2,5). Colossians 1:16-17 explains:
“For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created by Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.”
The time of their creation is never definitely specified, but it is most probable that it occurred in connection with the creation of the heavens in Genesis 1:1. It may be that God created the angels immediately after He had created the heavens and before He created the earth—for according to Job 38:4-7, “the sons of God shouted for joy” when He laid the foundations of the earth.
Author: Dr. Paul Eymann.
HOW MANY ANGELS ARE THERE?While the Scriptures give no definite figures, we are told that the number of angels is very great (Daniel 7:10; Matthew 26:53; Hebrews 12:22).
It appears that all angels were created at one time. No new angels are being added to the number. Angels are not subject to death or any form of extinction; therefore they do not decrease in number.
It seems reasonable to conclude that there are at least as many spirit beings in existence as there will have been human beings in all their history on earth.
Author: Dr. Paul Eymann.
Raphael's interpretation of a winged angel.
Angels are essentially “ministering spirits,” (Hebrews 1:14) and do not have physical bodies like humans. Jesus declared that “a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have” (Luke 24:37-39).
The Bible does, however, make it clear that angels can only be in one place at a time. They must have some localized presence.
Angels can take on the appearance of men when the occasion demands. How else could some “entertain angels unaware” (Hebrews 13:2)? On the other hand, their appearance is sometimes in dazzling white and blazing glory (Matthew 28:2-4).
Author: Dr. Paul Eymann.
Since angels are spirits rather than physical beings, they don't have to be visible at all (Colossians 1:16). Elisha once prayed that his servant would see the armies of angels surrounding the city, and the young man discovered that he had overlooked a lot of invisible beings (2 Kings 6:17)!
Abraham was visited by three heavenly messengers.
When angels do appear, they generally appear in the form of men. In Genesis 18, Abraham welcomed three angelic guests who appeared at first to be nothing more than some travellers. In the following chapter, two angels went to Sodom where they were assumed to be simply a pair of human visitors.
With the possible exception of one debatable passage in Zechariah 5:9, angels always appear as males rather than females (Mark 16:5).
Sometimes an angel appears to be a man with unusual features. Daniel saw an angel with arms and legs resembling polished metal and precious stones, and a face like lightning (Daniel 10:5-6). The angel that rolled back the stone from Christ's tomb was radiating dazzling light (Matthew 28:3; Luke 24:4). The book of Revelation describes some highly unusual beings who may be a variety of angel in Revelation 4:6-8.

Angels in the Bible never appear this way.
Angels in the Bible never appear as cute, chubby infants! They are always full-grown adults. When people in the Bible saw an angel, their typical response was to fall on their faces in fear and awe, not to reach out and tickle an adorable baby.
Some Bible passages picture angels with wings (Isaiah 6:2,6). Other verses talk about angels flying, and we assume that the wings would be useful for that flight (Daniel 9:21). However, I suspect that angels can move around without having to depend on wings. Most references to angels in the Bible say nothing about wings, and in passages like Genesis 18-19, it is certain that no wings were visible.
Author: Dr. John Bechtle.
They are stronger than man, but not omnipotent (Psalm 103:20; 2 Peter 2:11).
They are greater than man in knowledge, but not omniscient (2 Samuel 14:20; Matthew 24:36).
They are more noble than man, but not omnipresent (Daniel 9:21-23, 10:10-14).
Author: Dr. Paul Eymann.
Sorry! You can't trust every angel.
The Bible classifies some angels as “elect” (1 Timothy 5:21) or “holy” (Matthew 25:31; Mark 8:38). All angels were originally holy, enjoying the presence of God (Matthew 18:10) and the environment of heaven (Mark 13:32).
Other angels oppose God under the leadership of Satan (Matthew 25:41; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6; Ephesians 6:12). We often call these “demons.”
There is actually a great unseen conflict raging that goes beyond anything we can imagine. It is not, however, a fight between two equal and eternal forces. God who created all beings is still in charge, and once He has used wicked angels to accomplish His purposes, He will bring them to a final defeat.
Author: Dr. John Bechtle.
We don't know whether every angel carries out the same tasks, or whether some of them specialize in certain areas. The Bible does speak about classes of angelic beings like cherubim (Ezekiel 1) and seraphim (Isaiah 6). We also know the names of two notable angels: Michael (Daniel 10:13; Jude 9) and Gabriel (Daniel 9:21; Luke 1:19,26).
The unnamed angels who appear most often in Scripture carry out a variety of tasks—all designed to serve God…
Worship and praise - This is the main activity portrayed in heaven (Isaiah 6:1-3; Revelation 4-5).
Revealing - They serve as messengers to communicate God's will to men. They helped reveal the law to Moses (Acts 7:52-53), and served as the carriers of much of the material in Daniel, and Revelation.
Guiding - Angels gave instructions to Joseph about the birth of Jesus (Matthew 1-2), to the women at the tomb, to Philip (Acts 8:26), and to Cornelius (Acts 10:1-8).
Providing - God has used angels to provide physical needs such as food for Hagar (Genesis 21:17-20), Elijah (1 Kings 19:6), and Christ after His temptation (Matthew 4:11).
Protecting - Keeping God's people out of physical danger, as in the cases of Daniel and the lions, and his three friends in the fiery furnace (Daniel 3 and 6).
Delivering - Getting God's people out of danger once they're in it. Angels released the apostles from prison in Acts 5, and repeated the process for Peter in Acts 12.
Strengthening and encouraging - Angels strengthened Jesus after His temptation (Matt 4:11), encouraged the apostles to keep preaching after releasing them from prison (Acts 5:19-20), and told Paul that everyone on his ship would survive the impending shipwreck (Acts 27:23-25).
Answering prayer - God often uses angels as His means of answering the prayers of His people (Daniel 9:20-24; 10:10-12; Acts 12:1-17).
Caring for believers at the moment of death - In the story of Lazarus and the rich man, we read that angels carried the spirit of Lazarus to “Abraham's bosom” when he died (Luke 16:22).
Author: Dr. John Bechtle.

Artist's conception of an angel who guarded the Tree of Life when Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden
KEYWORD and NAME LIST from our Christian Answers WebBible Encyclopedia
“Living creatures”
Cherub (Cherubim)
Sons of God
Book of Revelation
Coloring pages for children - Angel with flaming sword (Garden of Eden) / The Angel Gabriel and Mary / An Angel With Shepherds / Other coloring pages
Quiz - Angels and the Garden of Eden
ANGELS AND WOMEN - Did angels have sexual intercourse with human women in Genesis 6? AnswerOr were the “sons of man” (nephilim) aliens, as some have suggested?
Who is the being of light encountered in near-death experiences? - Answer
Also see the book by Fred C. Dickason, Angels: Elect and Evil (Chicago: Moody, 1975).