October 28, 2008
By Clenard Childress
Rev. Dr. Clenard H. Childress, Jr., is the senior pastor of The New Calvary Baptist Church in Montclair, NJ. He is the founder of the website Blackgenocide.org and president of Life Education And Resource Network, Northeast. LEARN is the largest African-American pro-life group in the US. Rev. Childress is a leader in social activism and partners with the Center For Bioethical Reform, taking the Genocide Awareness Projects to college campuses around the country.
Rev. Childress and his wife Regina have 4 children: Clenard, Thomas, Tonya, and Tia.
I had the pleasure of meeting Gianna Jessen earlier this year at "Walk for Life San Francisco." Gianna's vibrant energetic personality is therapeutic. Engaging her in conversation is a sure cure for anyone struggling with personal demons of fear and insecurity! Gianna is a sure and certain candidate for receiving the 'against all odds' award. Challenges are not new to Gianna. She was scheduled for a saline solution abortion while she was in her third trimester in her mother's womb. After being burned alive for approximately 18 hours, she survived! Her mother gave her up for adoption and the saline solution caused her to develop cerebral palsy. Challenged by death, desertion, and disease, she prevailed and is one of the most sought after anointed gospel vocalists of our time.
Gianna survived, but if a certain Illinois Senator would have had his way, she would have never received medical attention after the botched abortion. Senator Barack Obama heard the story of babies like Gianna who were surviving abortions but were being left to die in dirty laundry closets at Christ Hospital in Chicago but did nothing on their behalf. As well, the profession which takes the Hippocratic Oath to preserve and save life, ignores struggling infants in desperate need of assistance. Naked, helpless, and in extreme pain, they receive no assistance, no doctor to aid, and no mother to care. Barack Obama, after hearing of these brutal, calloused acts of mans inhumanity to man, voted to allow this heinous, barbaric behavior to continue. Barack Obama voted three times against protecting these born alive victims.
I guess we shouldn't be surprised when we look at his consistent anti-infant voting record. The wife of the senator, Michelle Obama, has written letters supporting partial birth abortion. The Obama's are advocates and supporters of Planned Parenthood with full knowledge of their racist practices against African-Americans. I cannot fathom how any person, or leader of conscience, would support a candidate that not only willfully promotes an institution of such racist origin, but embodies their value system. It's despicable and unconscionable.
In his speech at the Planned Parenthood Fund raiser, Barrack Obama recalled how the first 'Margaret Sanger Award' went to Martin Luther King. To those of you that know of Margaret Sanger, you are aware this was an attempt to put a 'Black face' on her plan to initiate sterilization and abortion in the African-American community. Just as it is with Barrack Obama, the vast majority of Americans did not know of Sanger's radical views on race and government; they did not know of Sanger's associations with Adolph Hitler, Paul Stoddard and members of the Third Reich. Margaret Sanger fooled a lot of people with her deception; so is Barack Obama.
Since Barack Obama had the "audacity" to bring up Martin Luther King, let's look at my favorite portion of Kings prophetic "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" ...
"There was a time when the church was very powerful in the time when the early Christians rejoiced at being deemed worthy to suffer for what they believed. In those days the church was not merely a thermometer that recorded the ideas and principles of popular opinion; it was a thermostat that transformed the mores of society. Whenever the early Christians entered a town, the people in power became disturbed and immediately sought to convict the Christians for being "disturbers of the peace" and outside agitators. But the Christians pressed on in the conviction that they were "a colony of heaven" called to obey God rather than man. Small in number they were big in commitment. They were too God-intoxicated to be "astronomically intimidated." By their effort and example they brought an end to such ancient evils as infanticide."
Martin Luther King points to a people of Christian faith that demanded an end to infant killing. In Rome in their declining years, it became law that upon the birth of your newborn child, if you didn't like the color of their eyes, the texture of their hair, the complexion of their skin, you could by law lay your child by the side of the road to die. The law further stated, anyone touching your child to give aid would be put to death. The newborn child was to be left to die! The early church under the threat of death scooped those children up and raised them as their own. Martin Luther King called not giving children "left by the side of the road" receiving no aid, evil! Barack Obama calls it a good thing. 80% of Americans call partial birth abortion, evil, while Mr. and Mrs. Obama call it a good thing.
St. Augustine said, "An unjust law is no law at all." I would say, "Far worst than the unjust laws are the persons who would vote to elect candidates who support unjust laws."
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